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Table 2-2. Speed Light Signals
Standard speed ahead
Steady white light (motor off)
One-third speed ahead
One white flash in 6 seconds
Two-thirds speed ahead
Two white flashes in 6 seconds
Full speed ahead
Four white flashes in 6 seconds
Flank speed ahead
Five white flashes in 6 seconds
Hand pulse key ahead
Manually controlled (code same as above)
Steady red light (motor off)
Slow speed back
One flash in 6 seconds
Full speed back
Two flashes in 6 seconds
Hand pulse key back
Manually controlled (code same as above)
3. White standing lights are used on exterior
passageways to provide light so the ship's crew may
move around the exterior of the ship with out danger of
injury. These white standing lights are normally only
turned on when the ship is in port or at anchor.
LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Define the purpose
and use of the various interior communications
Interior communications deal with those forms of
communication between a sender and a receiver aboard
the same ship. Interior communications are carried out
via sound and some visual methods. Communications
by messenger, probably the most ancient of all methods,
remains the most reliable system.
The ship's service telephone system is similar to a
dial telephone ashore. It is electrically powered and has
a dial apparatus and central switchboard. By means of
this system, you can communicate with any part of the
ship merely by dialing a number. When the ship is
alongside, the ship's service system can be connected
with the beach to permit outside calls; but the
switchboard, which functions automatically for interior
communications, must be manned by an operator for
outside calls. Ship's service phones normally are
equipped with light handsets, which are easy to manage,
and you do not have to talk any louder or more distinctly
than you would on a telephone ashore.
An ordinary ship's service phone, like any
telephone ashore, sends back a busy signal if it already
is in use when dialed. However, if there should be an
emergency call, some phones (such as those on the
bridge or quarterdeck) have an executive right-of-way
feature, by which it is possible to break into a
conversation in progress.
The ship's service phone has one disadvantage: The
number of talkers it can reach on a single circuit is small
compared to the number that can be reached by the
sound-powered battle phones.
The battle telephones are sound-powered; that is,
instead of a battery or generator, your voice provides the
power for the circuit. Failure of the electrical power
system has no effect upon the sound-powered phones,
although one or more stations can be knocked out by a
direct hit. You should remember that every
sound-powered receiver is also a transmitter, and vice
versa. In other words, if all but one earpiece on a
sound-powered headset is knocked out, you normally
can continue to both talk and receive through the