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C o u r s es , N A V E D T R A 1 2 0 6 1 , f o r o r d e r i ng
information). PARs are also available in electronic
format from:
NETPDTC web site, http://www.cnet.navy.mil/
NETPDTC Bulletin Board: DSN 922-1394/
1820 or commercial (850) 452-1394/1820.
Streamlined Automated Logistic Transmission
System (SALTS) For information on how to
access SALTS, see your supply department, or
call DSN 442-1112 or commercial (215)
Personnel Advancement Requirements (PARs)
are required for advancement for which
The Personnel Qualification Standards (PQS)
Program qualifies officer and enlisted personnel to
perform certain duties. PQS is a compilation of the
knowledges and skills personnel must have to qualify
for a specific watchstation, maintain specific-
equipment, or perform as a team member within a unit.
The ESO should know where to find PQS materials.
The Personnel Qualification Standards Catalog,
NAVEDTRA 43100-5, contains a key word listing of
all PQS requirements and PQS supplementary
products, their NAVEDTRA numbers, and their stock
A key word listing of all PQS requirements and
PQS supplementary products, their NAVEDTRA
numbers, and their key stock numbers are
located in which publication?
Completion of the Petty Officer (POIC) and Chief
Petty Officer Indoctrination Courses (CPOIC) is
mandatory for new third class petty officer and chief
petty officer selectees. E-4 and E-7 selectees may not
be frocked or advanced until they have completed the
appropriate course. However, commanding officers of
training commands may authorize frocking for student
CPO selectees before they complete the CPOIC if the
course is not available at the training command.
Although a temporary waiver may be granted for
frocking purposes, completion of the CPOIC is
required before the advancement is effected.
Personnel in training commands and accelerated
advancement programs must also complete the POIC
before frocking or advancement to petty officer third
class. Personnel must complete the POIC even if they
did not take a Navywide advancement examination.
The POIC and CPOIC were developed to ease the
transition of newly advanced enlisted personnel as
they assume the responsibilities of new and unique
roles. Individual commands should conduct these
courses when feasible. Consolidated training by
several commands, which is considered to be more
effective for the CPOIC, is recommended if possible.
T h e c o m m a n d m a s t e r c h i e f s h o u l d b e t he
organizational coordinator for both courses. If
possible, chief petty officers with instructor
experience should conduct the courses.
The CPOIC and POIC onboard training packages
consist of two components: the Students Journal
(S.J.) and the Instructors Guide (I.G.).
The S.J. is a narrative text presented in a modified
outline format. It includes a topical outline, a course
overview, key points, supplemental readings, and
references. Each page contains space for student
notes. The S.J. becomes the property of the student
upon completion of the course.
The I.G. is the working document for the
instructor. It contains all the information found in the
S.J. in an outline format. It also contains questions the
instructor may use to stimulate classroom discussion.
The I.G. should be personalized to fit the policy,
doctrine, and climate of the command.
Petty Officer Indoctrination Course
The POIC is a 22-hour onboard training course
covering a wide range of subject matter areas. The I.G.
(NAVEDTRA 38201) and S. J. (NAVEDTRA 38200)
are divided into the following nine units of instruction:
1. Roles and responsibilities of a petty officer
2. Developing leadership and management skills
3. Basic needs and human behavior
4. Communicating with others
5. Standards in the Navy
6. Counseling
7. Discipline
8. Military justice and the petty officer
9. Pride, professionalism, and personal excellence