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NRTC Content.   Some NRTCs are occupational; that  is,  they  are  developed  for  specific  ratings  (i.e., MN, BM, QM, etc.) or communities of ratings with shared occupational knowledge (i.e., electricity/electronics: ET, EM, AT, STG, etc.).  Other courses cover military knowledge information and are applicable  to  all  ratings.     Both  occupational  and military knowledge NRTCs often refer the learner to other   publications   for   additional   or   detailed information. NRTC  Formats.    Texts and course assignments may be issued as merged documents or as two or more separate publications.  Some NRTCs are issued as two or more “volumes” if necessary to adhere to binding restrictions; others are issued as a series of “modules” if the subject matter is related. NRTCs are designed and  delivered  in  formats  that  best  suit  the  learning environment  and  needs  of  the  target  audience  and efficient management of Navy resources. Q1.   NRTCs   normally   consist   of   two   major components.  Name these two components. Q2.    Many enlisted personnel use NRTCs as a source for __________ study. ORDERING NONRESIDENT TRAINING COURSES The most common NRTC that ESOs must order are   the   courses   that   are   recommended   for advancement in rate.  These NRTCs are listed in the C a t a l og   o f   N o n re s i d e n t   Tra i n i n g   C o u rs e s , NAVEDTRA 12061.  This catalog also explains how to  procure  each  course  and  how  each  course  is administered.   This catalog is produced by the Naval Education and Training Professional Development and Technology Center (NETPDTC).  This catalog is your most important reference when dealing with NRTCs. You can access this catalog for view or download at NETPDTC’s web site.  The catalog contains a wealth of  information  that  will  help  you  maintain  the courses needed to support your command.   YOUR JOB  AS  AN  ESO  WILL  BE  MUCH  EASIER  IF YOU  ARE  THOROUGHLY  FAMILIAR  WITH THE CONTENTS OF THIS CATALOG! Plan Ahead. You should refer to your command’s Enlisted Distribution and Verification Report (EDVR) to identify the different rates/ratings, and the number of personnel in each rate/rating, that your office must support.    Using  EDVR  data,  you  should  be  able  to accurately project the types and numbers of courses you’ll need for a given year.  Keep in mind that certain courses such as the military requirements courses (i.e. Military   Requirements   for   PO3,   PO2)   and apprenticeship courses (AN, FN, SN) are used by most ratings. How  to  Order.    The  front  matter  of  the  catalog contains  a  section  titled  “INFORMATION  ABOUT ORDERING  PRODUCTS.”    This  section  explains WHO can order, HOW to order, and WHERE to order from.  This section also provides tips on ordering, how to  order,  points  of  contact  for  order  assistance,  and samples of how to format orders.  You should become very familiar with this section of the catalog. Q3.    Name  the  publication  that  lists  current  NRTCs and explains the NRTC ordering  process. ADMINISTERING COURSES Completing  Courses. Courses  received  by  the command should be given to the students in a timely manner.  The ESO should advise the students to follow the  procedures  outlined  in  the  front  matter  of  each course  assignment  booklet.   The  students  may  refer freely to texts and reference materials in completing their courses.  They may seek advice and instructions from others. Classified   Courses. Classified  courses  are shipped  to  the  “Commanding  Officer  -  Attention: Security Officer.”  Before ordering a classified course, ESOs should ensure:    The student has a legitimate need for the course and the appropriate security clearance.    Safeguards  are  available  to  provide  required protection for the course.    Classified  courses  are  stowed,  controlled,  and destroyed in the same manner as other classified materials. Answer Sheets.  One answer sheet is provided in the back of each NRTC.  This sheet may be duplicated for  local  use. You  can  also  order  answer  sheets, NAVEDTRA  1430/5,  via  the  supply  system  under stock  number  0502-LP-216-0100. You  can  also download  answer  sheets  from  NETPDTC’s  web  site (see above). Answer   Keys. Ordering. Local  commands administer and grade NRTCs. Answer keys for NRTCs may  be  ordered  in  the  same  manner  as  the  NRTC. Commands may order ONLY one (1) answer key for each course administered at that command.  ANSWER KEYS ARE NOT ORDERED FROM NETPDTC.  All 4-2

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