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Handling Federal Tort Claims, Personal Injury NADA  Appraisal  Guides  Official  Car,  Older  Car,  etc. Regional or State Reporter, w/Advance Sheet subscription, as needed (Regional Reporters available also in  ultrafiche) Regional or State Digest (to match reporter system) Shepard’s Citations (to match reporter system) West  Federal  Forms Figure 2-1.—Standard minimum list—commercial lawbooks—Continued. responsible  for  providing  automatic  upkeep  service  on many other commercial lawbooks that are not listed. Commercial lawbook needs vary from office to office. Each year, each field library is informed by JAG Report 5070-2 (to be discussed later in this chapter) of the exact materials  maintained  for  them  by  JAG. Other  reference  materials  (noncommercial)  needed for your library may be handled by one of several other offices  in  OJAG.  These  include  the  following: . The JAG Journal and the Off the Record—pub- lished and distributed by the Office of the Executive Assistant  to  JAG. l The Legal Newsletter—  materials  about  continu- ing  legal  education  and  legal  assistance  are  published and/or  distributed  by  the  Continuing  Legal  Educa- tion/Legal  Assistance  Policy  Division  of  JAG. . The Military Justice Reporter—  although pub- lished by West Publishing Company, it is considered noncommercial and is provided to all JAG field activi- ties by the Publications section of OJAG. This office also provides for the distribution of  Shepard’s  Military Justice Citations,  military legal publications such as the Military  Law  Review  published  by  the  Department  of the  Army,  and  publications  of  the  Government  Printing Office  (GPO)  such  as  the  MCM.  In  addition  to  the previous services, the Publications section is also re- sponsible  for  distributing  JAG  instructions  and  notices, as well as the JAG  Manaul. Of  those  offices  briefly  mentioned  previously,  you will  probably  have  more  direct  contact  with  the  Field Library  section  and  the  Publications  section  than  any other. The following discussion is provided to help you better understand the functions and responsibilities of these offices and their relationship to the field law libraries. FIELD LAW LIBRARY SECTION, OJAG The Field Law Library Program was established in 1974 to centralize purchasing of commercial lawbooks for Navy field law libraries. Centralized purchasing results in (1) reduced administrative costs by combining individual  requisitions;  (2)  frequent  publisher  discounts for bulk purchases; and (3) standardized field law librar- ies  for  the  Naval  Establishment. The Head, Field Law Library section acts as pri- mary advisor to JAG on all matters related to the com- mercial lawbook needs of the field library activities as well  as  keeping  track  of  the  status  of  the  commercial books and services contracted and paid for by JAG. Additionally, this office is responsible for keeping JAG informed on which contracted services are to be re- newed or canceled, which materials provided to field libraries have been replaced due to loss or damage, and which  new  materials,  if  any,  should  be  purchased  for use by the field libraries. As an aid in keeping track of the needs of the field libraries  and  the  status  of  the  contracted  services,  an annual  report  is  sent  to  each  individual  field  library. This report serves a dual purpose because it provides a list  of  the  commercial  lawbooks  and  services  that  are automatically provided for each field library by JAG and also provides the Field Library section with valu- able information that can be used to determine which services need to be renewed, which can be canceled, and which materials, if any, need to be replaced. A sample of  this  report,  JAG  Report  Symbol  JAG  5070-2,  is shown in figure 2-2. We will discuss your responsibili- ties  concerning  this  report  more  fully  later  in  this chapter. The Field Library Program handles only commer- cial lawbooks. The  Code of Federal Regulations  and  the Federal Register may be obtained from the OJAG Pub- lications  Section,  Code  64;  the  Naval  Law  Review 2-6

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