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Figure 2-3.Library layout for large library.
that these are mission essential and support the work of
the ordering activity.
One of the most important tools used by lawyers in
performing their duties is legal research. The effective-
ness of legal research depends on how well legal refer-
ence materials are maintained and kept up to date. As
an LN, you play an important role in the upkeep of the
library. At the same time, you will need to know how
to arrange the materials in the library, how to file these
materials, how to keep these materials up to date, and
how to keep track of these materials. There are no
standardized methods prescribed for maintaining a
law library; however, the following discussion and
suggestions should help you in performing your
duties as a law librarian.
Having a definite arrangement of materials con-
tained in the law library will help you keep track of these
materials as well as making it easier for those using the
library to locate specific reference materials. The first
step you should take in arranging these materials is to
determine where the various materials are located. Not
all the materials contained in the library will be kept in
a central location. You will probably find that some of
the lawyers will want to keep specific materials in their
offices for ready reference. You may also find, espe-
cially in large NLSOs, that the materials related to