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l Organization by type of publicationThis in-
volves the arrangement of the materials by the type of
publication, such as encyclopedias, journals, treatises,
statutes, and reports.
Either of these methods is effective or as an alter-
native, a combination of these methods may be used in
arranging the materials in the library. Whenever you use
one of these suggested methods or some other method
of your own design, you should first take a look at what
types of materials are contained in the library and then
make a determination as to which method or methods
would work best.
The importance of properly filing, updating, and
accounting for the materials contained in the library
cannot be overemphasized. This should be accom-
plished immediately upon receipt (or upon completion
of office routing) of any new materials. There can be no
excuse for an error caused by using an out-of-date
lawbook when the update is sitting off in a corner. The
following hints are given to help make your job easier
in these areas.
As you begin working with the various types of
materials contained in the law library, you will discover
that the publishers of these materials have designed the
format of each publication to allow for frequent and
continuous updating. This is necessary to keep up with
the constant changes that occur in the laws that govern
our states and country. The methods used to update
these materials vary with each publisher, but the most
common ones that you will work with are loose-leaf
supplements, pocket parts, interim pamphlets, advance
sheets, bound volume replacements, and hound volume
supplements. Because of these variances, you should
carefully read any instructions the publishers have pre-
pared about the proper methods to make changes and
updates to their published materials. Lets take a look
at these seven methods and see how they are used to
keep the materials in your library up to date.
. Loose-leaf supplementsAs the name implies,
these materials are loose-leaf and are usually kept in
special binders previded by the publisher. U.S. Law
Week, published by the Bureau of National Affairs
(BNA), and the Military Law Reporter, published by
Public Law Education Institute, are examples of loose-
leaf services you may find in the library. U.S. Law Week
is designed to keep lawyers current on selected new
laws, regulatory agency interpretations of new and ex-
isting laws, and recent opinions of the U.S. Supreme
Court and lower federal courts. The Military Law Re-
porter is designed to keep military lawyers current on
selected new laws, regulations, and directives of the
armed forces, and recent opinions of the U.S. Court of
Military Appeals and the published and unpublished
opinions of the Army, Air Force, and Navy Courts of
Military Review.
You should file these loose-leaf supplements as
soon as possible after receipt. Special emphasis should
be placed on following the filing instructionsthis may
appear time-consuming but is often the quickest method
to make sure the loose-leaf service is properly main-
. Pocket partsThese supplements are published
periodically (usually annually) and are designed to fit
into a pocket provided by the publisher inside the book
cover of the bound volume for which the pocket part
has been printed. The U.S. Code Annotated (U. S.C.A.),
published by West Publishing Company, uses the
pocket part system. It is important, when filing pocket
parts, to make sure each pocket part is placed in the
proper volume and the outdated pocket part is dis-
. Supplementary pamphletsThese are some-
times published as an alternative or an addition to a
pocket part. They should normally be shelved beside the
volume(s) they supplement. Instructions on the pam-
phlets will inform you of whether or not you should
discard the pocket parts. The U.S.C.A. usually contains
several supplementary pamphlets at any given time.
. Interim pamphletsThese are published at vari-
ous times, usually to update a set between issuance of
annual pocket parts or other periodic updates. For ex-
ample, U.S.C.A. pocket parts are published around
March and normally include all updates through the last
calendar year adjournment (session) of Congress. Then,
usually in June, September, and Novemberbut these
months can varythe publisher will issue an interim
pamphlet to incorporate laws passed since the last ses-
sion. Not many sets contain interim pamphlets, but the
instructions on those received should be followed
. Advance sheetsThese are paperbound vol-
umes, usually prepared and sent out before the printing
and publication of the hardbound volumes. The Military
Justice Reporter is the most common set that uses these
advance sheets. These advance sheets should be placed
on the Shelves immediately following the latest