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Naval Data Automation Command maintains the
system and provides for changes and presents them to
SECNAV for issuance. The SSIC outlines the process
for segregating and filing Navy and Marine Corps
records and the single standard system of numbers
and/or letter symbols used throughout the DON for
categorizing and subject classifying information. SSICs
are required on all Navy letters, messages, directives,
forms, and reports.
. Standard Organization and Regulations of the
U.S. Navy (SORM), OPNAVINST 3120.32BThis
publication is issued by CNO. It issues regulations and
guidance governing the conduct of all members of the
U.S. Navy. These regulations use two types of print
the material printed in uppercase is regulatory, and the
material printed in plain type is for the guidance of
commanders, commanding officers (COs), and officers
in charge (OICs). These regulations apply to each mem-
ber of the Navy individually. Violation of any provision
of these regulations is punishable under the UCMJ.
. Department of the Navy Information Security
Program Regulations, OPNAVINST 5510.1HThis
publication is issued by CNO and is commonly referred
to as the Security Manual. Its provisions apply to DON
military and civilian personnel and activities. The
Security Manual provides personnel with regulations
and guidance for classifying and safeguarding classi-
fied information and for personnel security.
. Standard Navy Distribution List (SNDL)The
SNDL is published by the CNO and provides for the
proper addressing and distribution of mail to all activi-
ties of the DON and provides a central distribution
system for directives and correspondence. The SNDL
is published in two parts and each part is issued sepa-
rately. Part 1 is often referred to as the yellow pages and
is entitled Standard Navy Distribution List, Operating
Forces of the Navy, Unified and Specified Commands,
U.S. Elements of International Command, OPNAV-
INST P09B2-107. The SNDL listings are identified by
a two-digit number for each major group followed by
one or more letters for each subgroup. Part 2 of the
SNDL, contained in the publication Catalog of Naval
Shore Activties, OPNAVINST P09B2-105, provides
distribution lists for the Navy Department and all shore
activities of the Naval Establishment. Each symbol
represents a type of naval activity.
Revisions and changes to the SNDL are issued
periodically, normally on a quarterly basis, by CNO.
When issued, changes are of two typespage changes
in the form of a supplement and serial changes. The
supplements are sent to all commands, but serial
changes are provided only to commands handling large
volumes of mail that require up-to-date information.
l Joint Federal Travel Regulations (JFTR)The
JFTR is issued in three volumes, over the signatures of
the Secretaries of the Army, Navy, Air Force, Transpor-
tation, Commerce, and Health and Human Services
through the Per Diem, Travel, and Transportation
Allowance Committee that operates under the cogni-
zance of the DOD. Volume 1 deals with travel of mem-
bers of the uniformed services; volume 2 deals with
travel of DOD civilian personnel; and volume 3 deals
with personnel in the foreign service. The JFTR inter-
prets the laws and regulations concerning travel, the
manner in which transportation is furnished to person-
nel, provisions for travel of dependents, transportation
of household goods, reimbursements for travel ex-
penses, and similar information.
. Disbursing, Administrative and Personnel Man-
ual (DAPMAN)Formerly the Navy Pay and Person-
nel Procedures Manual (PAYPERSMAN) this manual
is issued jointly by the Office of the Comptroller of the
Navy and the Chief of Naval Personnel. The DAPMAN
contains detailed pay and personnel procedures for
maintaining the Joint Uniform Military Pay System
(JUMPS) for members of the Navy. You will use this
manual to assist in the preparation of page 6s and 7s.
. Other manuals-Certain commands have manu-
als dealing with technical subjects involved in their
respective functions. If you are assigned to a department
where one of these manuals is used, you should become
acquainted with the format and general content.
No publication or directive can stay on the shelf for
a long time without needing to be changed. Changes
will come from the originator as reprinted pages that
need to be inserted in place of the outdated pages or as
pen-and-ink changes that require you to enter or delete
information by hand. Most publications contain a list of
effective pages. Part of your job is to make sure publi-
cations are complete by checking each page number
against the list. When you receive new pages as part of
a change, a new list of effective pages is included and
must be verified after you enter the change(s).
Proper notations, such as CH-1, are entered in the
upper right margin of the first page of each directive
changed, or on the record-of-changes sheet for