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state territory, or commonwealth, or a ship within the
territorial waters thereof, take the following action.
Deliver the person for the purpose of making that
person amenable to prosecution. The delivery must be
approved by any officer exercising general court-mar-
tial jurisdiction (OEGCMJ), or by an officer desig-
nated by him or her, or by any CO. The OEGCMJ or
CO must consult with judge advocate of the Navy or
Marine Corps before authorizing delivery. Before de-
livery, the OEGCMJ or CO must follow the provi-
sions of the JAGMAN subject to any exceptions that
are discussed later in this chapter.
The member may be delivered upon formal or
informal waiver of extradition, or upon presentation
of a fugitive warrant. Both of these procedures are
discussed later in this chapter.
The previous rule applies equally to civilian emp-
loyees when located on a Department of the Navy
( DON) installation not within the requesting state.
Waiver of Extradition
Any person may waive formal extradition. A
waiver must be in writing and witnessed. The waiver
must include a statement that the person signing it has
received counsel of either a military or civilian attor-
ney before executing the waiver. The waiver must
further state the name and address of the attorney
consulted. The form used for the waiver should be
substantially as shown in figure 10-1. Mail all exe-
cuted copies of the waiver to the Judge Advocate
General (JAG) immediately after their execution.
In every case where there is doubt about the vol-
untary nature of a waiver, such doubt is resolved
against its use. All persons concerned must be advised
to comply with the procedures set forth for fugitive
When an individual declines to waive extradition.
You need to inform the nearest NLSO or Marine Corps
staff judge advocate (SJA) since further repre-
sentations to the civil authorities may be needed. Do
not allow the transfer of the individual concerned out
of the state in which he or she is then located without
the permission of the Secretary of the Navy (SEC-
NAV) (JAG), unless you have obtained a fugitive
Fugitive Warrants
A fugitive warrant, as defined in this chap-
ter, is a warrant issued by a state court of competent
jurisdiction for the arrest of an individual. Normally,
a state requesting delivery of a member from another
state will issue a fugitive warrant to the state where
the member is then located.
Upon issuance of a fugitive warrant by the re-
questing state to the state where the member is lo-
cated, the latter state will normally request delivery of
the member to local state authorities. Delivery to local
state officials should be arranged by authorized Navy
or Marine Corps officers subject to the conditions set
forth in the JAGMAN and the following discussion.
Upon receipt of a request for delivery of a mem-
ber under fugitive warrant to state authorities, if the
member voluntarily waives extradition, the provi-
sions for the waiver of extradition apply. If the mem-
ber is delivered to local authorities but refuses to
waive extradition, he or she will have the opportunity
to contest extradition in the courts of the state in
which he or she is then located.
No delivery of a member by Navy or Marine
Corps officers pursuant to a fugitive warrant or
waiver of extradition can be done without the comple-
tion and execution of the delivery agreement required
by the JAGMAN. The agreement is executed when
(1) the authorities of both the requesting state and the
state in which the member is located have signed it or
(2) the authorities of the state in which the member is
located have signed the agreement. This provision
applies only if such authorities, on behalf of the re-
questing state, accept full responsibility for returning
the member to a command designated by the DON.
Persons desired by local U.S. authoritieswhen
delivery of any member of the Navy or Marine Corps,
or any civilian employee or dependent, is desired for
trial by state, territory, commonwealth, or local civil
authorities and the individual whose presence is
sought is stationed outside the United States, follow
the provision of Department of Defense (DOD) Direc-
tive 5525.9 of 27 December 1988, Compliance of
DOD Members, Employees, and Family Members
Outside the United States with Court Orders, as im-
plemented in SECNAVINST 5820.9. In all such
cases, you should consult with the nearest judge advo-
cate of the Navy or Marine Corps before any action is
Members desired by U.S. federal authorities
when the delivery of any member of the Navy or