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Retention of Trial Notes For cases in which a summarized record of trial is authorized,  retain  the  notes  or  recordings  of  the original proceedings until the record is authenticated. For  cases  in  which  a  verbatim  transcription  is required, retain the verbatim notes or recordings of the  original  proceedings  until  completion  of  final action or appellate review, whichever is later. The  verbatim  notes  or  recordings  may  be  kept  by the TC, an assistant, a court reporter, or the supervisor of the court reporting and transcription shop. COURT REPORTING METHODS AND EQUIPMENT You  may  use  various  types  of  equipment  and methods to record and transcribe proceedings. The type  of  equipment  and  method  used  will  depend largely  upon  the  availability  of  equipment  and  the method  you  have  been  trained  to  use.  Proceedings may  be  recorded  using  longhand,  shorthand,  or  by using  either  mechanical  or  electronic  equipment.  As  a practical   matter,   however,   recording   proceedings using   longhand   would   be   unduly   slow   and cumbersome and should not be used except as a last resort  when  none  of  the  other  more  effective  methods and  means  of  recording  are  available.  To  help  you understand   more   fully   these   methods,   a   brief discussion of each is provided as follows. SHORTHAND Shorthand is a more efficient method of recording than longhand because it uses abbreviations, symbols, and  characters  in  the  place  of  letters,  words,  and phrases  in  recording  what  is  being  dictated.  The  only equipment  needed  for  this  method  is  pencils  and paper. MULTICHANNEL  TAPE  RECORDER The  use  of  a  multichannel  tape  recorder  can guarantee that everything said during a particular proceeding is recorded.   The major drawback of this method is that the individuals speaking may not be readily identified when the recording is transcribed and  gestures  and  other  nonverbal  actions  are  not recorded  at  all. The  use  of  a  multichannel  tape recording  system  has  been  found  to  be  useful  as  a primary system with the incorporation of the reporter notes  to  add  in  the  missing  elements  of  speaker identification and nonverbal responses and gestures. REPORTER’S LOG During the proceedings of an SPCM or a GCM, the  reporter  is  responsible  not  only  for  recording verbatim  the  proceedings  of  the  court  but  also  for noting  in  the  record  such  items  as  the  stages  of examination; time of opening, recessing, closing, and adjournment of the court; and the marking of exhibits. The reporter’s log, Figure 3-1, can be a great aid to you both during and after the court. Use this log in any court-martial you record. The log has a place to fill in all the pertinent data that you will need to help in the transcription of the record of trial. GENERAL  RECORDING INFORMATION AND REPORTING TIPS In the following paragraphs, you will find some tips to help you produce records of trial that will be consistent and uniform in format. General information on such items as margins, page numbering, abbrevia- tions, grammar, and punctuation is included. Taking a few minutes now to familiarize yourself with these basic rules will save you much time in the future and also enable you to turn out a funished product ready for  immediate  review. The  following  information relates  primarily  to  SPCMs  and  GCMs.  We  will discuss the preparation of SCM records later in this chapter. MARGINS The  left  margin  of  th  record  of  trial  should  be 1 inch (10 picas or 12 elite spaces).  The right margin should  be  set  1/2  inch  from  the  side  of  the  page (5  picas  or  6  elite  spaces.)  The  top  margin  on  all pages should be 2 1/2 inches (15 lines) to allow room for binding with ACCO fasteners.  The bottom margin on all pages should end as close to 1 inch (but not more than 2 inches) from the bottom of the page as possible. If the typed text ends more than 2 inches from  the  bottom  of  the  page,  as  when  it  has  been necessary  to  insert  an  additional  partial  page  of testimony, you must draw a diagonal line from the left margin, starting immediately under the last line of typing to the right margin 1/2 inch from the bottom of the page.    The reason for this action is to make the reviewing authorities aware that nothing has been inadvertently omitted from the record. 3-4

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