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of the court, or the disturbance of its proceedings by any riot or disorder. CONTINUANCE—The   adjournment   or   postpone- ment of a case to another day or time. CONTRABAND—Items,  the  possession  of  which  is  in and of itself illegal. CONVENING  AUTHORITY—The  officer  having authority  to  convene  a  court-martial  and  who convened  the  court-martial  in  question,  or  that officer’s  successor  in  command. CONVENING  ORDER—The  document  by  which  a cow-t-martial is created, specifies the type of court, details the members, and, when appropriate, the specific authority by which the court is created. CORPUS  DELICTI—The  body  of  a  crime;  facts  or circumstances  showing  that  the  crime  alleged  has been  committed  by  someone. COUNSELING—Directly  or  indirectly  advising  or encouraging another to commit an offense, Article 77, UCMJ. COURT-MARTIAL—A   military   court,   convened under authority of the government and the UCMJ for trying and punishing offenses committed by members of the armed forces and other persons subject to military law. COURT-MARTIAL   ORDER—A   published   order announcing the results of a court-martial trial. COURT   OF   INQUIRY—A   formal   administrative fact-finding  body  convened  under  the  authority  of Article  135,  UCMJ,  whose  function  it  is  to  search out,  develop,  analyze,  and  record  all  available information   relative   to   the   matter   under investigation. COURT   OF   MILITARY   APPEALS—The   highest appellate court established under the UCMJ to review the records of certain trials by court-martial, consisting of three judges appointed from civil life by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, for a term of 15 years. COURT OF MILITARY REVIEW—An intermediate appellate  court  established  by  each  Judge  Advocate General to review the record of certain trials by court-martial-formerly   known   as   Board   of Review. CREDIBILITY   OF   A   WITNESS—A   witness’ worthiness  of  belief. CROSS-EXAMINATION—The  examination  of  a witness at a trial or hearing, or at a deposition, by the party opposed to the one who produced him or her,  upon  his  or  her  evidence  given  in  the case-in-chief, to test its truth, to further develop it, or  for  other  purposes. CULPABLE—Deserving  blame;  involving  the  breach of a legal duty or the commission of a fault. CULPABLE   NEGLIGENCE—Culpable   negligence is  a  degree  of  negligence  greater  than  simple negligence. This form of negligence is also referred to as recklessness and arises whenever an accused recognizes  a  substantial  unreasonable  risk  yet consciously  disregards  that  risk. CUSTODY—That restraint of free movement that is imposed by lawful apprehension. CUSTOM—A   practice   that   fulfills   the   following conditions: (a) it must be long continued; (b) it must be certain or uniform; (c) it must be compulsory; (d) it must be consistent; (e) it must be general; (f) it  must  be  known;  and  (g)  it  must  not  be  in opposition to the terms and provisions of a statute or lawful regulation or order. DAMAGE—Any  physical  injury  to  property. DANGEROUS WEAPON—A weapon used in such a manner that it is likely to produce death or grievous bodily harm. DECEIVE—To mislead, trick, cheat, or to cause one to believe as true that which is false. DEFENSE  COUNSEL—The  person  who  defends  the accused in any proceeding. DEFERRAL—Discretionary   action   by   proper authority,   postponing   the   running   of   the confinement portion of a sentence, together with a lack of any posttrial restraint. DEFRAUD—To obtain, through misrepresentation, an article or thing of value and to apply it to one’s own benefit or to the use and benefit of another—either permanently  or  temporarily. DEMONSTRATIVE    EVIDENCE—Anything    such as charts, maps, photographs, models, and drawings used to help construct a mental picture of a location or object that is not readily available for introduction into  evidence. DEPOSITION—The  testimony  of  a  witness  taken  out of  court,  reduced  to  writing,  under  oath  or affirmation,   before   a   person   empowered   to AII-5

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