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Indent two spaces from the left margin for each prefix;   for   example,   TC,   DC,   PRES,   ACCUSED, WITNESS,  Q,  and  A.  The  second  and  subsequent lines  should  be  typed  flush  with  the  left  margin. Examples  are  as  follows: TC: I object to the last question of the defense on the grounds that it calls for an opinion on the part of the witness. Q. Could you please relate, to the members of the court,  the  circumstances  surrounding  the  burglary  on the evening in question? NUMBERING  PAGES Number pages in the center of the page 1/2 inch (three lines) from the bottom of the page. If, during the  course  of  transcribing  the  record,  you  accidentally skip  a  page  number  or  duplicate  a  page  number, correct  the  error  as  follows: SKIPPED   PAGE   NUMBER—for   example, numbers  jump  from  18  to  20,  but  nothing  has been omitted from the transcript. 18 There is no page 19 Next  page  20 NUMBER   DUPLICATED   OR   EXTRA   PAGE TO   BE   INSERTED—use   the   preccding   page number plus an “a” as in “19a.” At the bottom of the  preceding  page,  type: 19 Next page is 19a On the inserted page, type: 19a ABBREVIATIONS Unless a word or acronym is actually spoken as Next  page  20 an abbreviation; for example, BM1, USS, or U.S. Navy,   only   the   following   abbreviations   are authorized. Keep in mind that you use the first four of these abbreviations only as prefixes to statements and they are not authorized for use in the text or when transcribing gestures or motions. The last five may he used in the text of the record: TC: DC: PRES: MJ: Mr. Mrs. U.S. USS Dr. Trial  counsel Defense   counsel President Military  judge Mister Mistress United States United  States  Ship Doctor GRAMMAR  AND  PUNCTUATION  IN TRANSCRIPTION You  have  previously  studied  general  punctuation in chapter 1. Certain rules are covered here because you have a greater need to be familiar with them in legal  work  than  in  typing  correspondence. Use  the  apostrophe  (’)  to  form  contractions;  to form possessives of nouns (but not of pronouns); as a single quotation mark; to express feet and minutes; and  to  form  the  exclamation  mark  (unless  your typewriter  or  computer  keyboard  has  an  exclamation mark on its keyboard). You form the plurals of letters and  of  numbers  by  adding  ’s.  Within  a  word  the apostrophe is written without spaces. Examples: It’s not true that a company reported its change of policy. Boys’ and girls’ camps are advertised in this month’s issue. Appellate is spelled with two L’s. Two spaces must follow a question mark (?) that appears at the end of a sentence. However, in the rare instances that the question mark appears within a sentence,  leave  only  one  space  after  the  question mark.  Examples:  Q.  Can  he  do  it?  or  anyone?  Q. What was the percentage of interest you paid? Do not leave spaces between brackets [ ]and the matter enclosed. In the event the matter appearing in 3-7

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