| |
Claims, 12-1
Claims management, 12-34
Allotment/Suballotment Authorization, NAV-
COMPT Form 372, 12-35
deposits, 12-37
fund authorizations, 12-34
funds administration, 12-2-38
memorandum accounting logbook, 12-40
Navy claims funds, 12-34
payments, 12-35
reconciliation, 12-38
reports, 12-41
Trial Balance Report, NAVCOMPT Form 2199A,
unliquidated obligations, 12-40
Voucher for Disbursement and/or Collection,
NAVCOMPT Form 2277, 12-37
Voucher for Payment Under Federal Tort Claims
Act, Standard Form 1145, 12-36
Classified material, information, 1-10
Cleansing warnings, 4-3
Clemency, 8-10
Naval Clemency and Parole Board, 8-34
Confinement, 5-19
deferment of, 8-2
pretrial review, 6-34
Confinement on bread and water or diminished rations,
5-23, 5-25, 7-19
Contempt proceedings, 3-18
Convenience of the government, 9-5
Convening and amending orders, 6-7, 7-2, 9-19,
Convening authority’s review, 8-5
action by the convening authority, 8-6
DC’s acknowledgement of receipt of SJA
recommendation, 8-10
DC’s response to SJA recommendation, 8-10
matters submitted by the accused, 8-5
Convening authority’s review—Continued
memorandum forwarding SJA recommendations
to DC, 8-9
recommendation of the SJA or legal officer, 8-6
Correctional custody, 5-25
Correspondence, 1-1, 14-3
business letter, 1-2
drafting, 1-3
endorsement, 1-2
filing, 1-3
memorandum, 1-2
message, 1-2
multiple-address letter, 1-2
preparation, 1-1
routing, 1-3
standard letter, 1-2
subject classification, 1-3
Counseling, 9-14
drafting administrative discharge warnings,
Court-martial member’s question form, 6-29
Court of Military Appeals (COMA) review, 8-32
Court reporter, 3-1
appointment and detailing of, 3-1
duties of, 3-2
functions of, 3-1
oaths, 3-2
Court reporting, 3-1
contempt proceedings, 3-18
loss of recordings, 3-3
methods and equipment, 3-4
reporter’s log, 3-4
retention of trial notes, 3-4
verbatim reporting, 3-2
Courts-martial review, 8-31
appellate leave, 8-20
COMA review, 8-32