1. Mission Description: Maritime boarding
actions and tactics designed to capture enemy vessels; to combat
terrorism, piracy and smuggling; and to conduct customs, safety,
and other inspections as employed by modern navies, marine and
maritime services, military and police forces.
a. Officer-in-Charge/Boarding Officer
b. Assistant Boarding Officer
c. Designated Marksman (DM)
d. Boarding Squad Leaders
e. Coxswain
f. Boat Engineer
g. Breachers
h. Boarding Team Members
i. Hospital Corpsman
k. Supply (Logistics)
m. Operations Specialist
Mission Description - Provide for the treatment, care,
for Enemy Prisoners of War, Civilian Internees, Retained
(h) Special Events:
Mission Description - Provide point defense security for
all designated events requiring the specialized training,
equipment, and defensive tactics contained within MESF.
Events including Fleet Weeks, Ship and Submarine
VIP visits, and high profile facility closures.
(2) Equipment
(a) Boats
1. 25 ft Oswald Class Secured Around Flotation
Equipment (SAFE) Boat