Team Member Basic (below), constitutes the Armed Sentry
Course/Security Reaction Force Basic course of instruction.
c. Security Reaction Force Team Member Basic (CIN A-830-
2217) Taught by qualified Antiterrorism Training Supervisors
(NEC 9501). Teaches basic tactical individual and team
movements. When taken with Navy Security Force Sentry (above),
constitutes the Armed Sentry Course/Security Reaction Force
Basic course of instruction.
d. Armed Sentry/Security Reaction Force - Basic (ASC/SRF:B)
(CIN A-830-0018) Teaches basic sentry skills and individual and
team tactical movements.
e. Protective Service Training and Antiterrorism Driving
(NEC 2009) (CIN A-840-0001). Provide training in protective
services to personnel who conduct Protective Service missions
for executive level DoD leaders who are potential targets of
13. Critical Task List. These skills were designated as
critical tasks required by NCIS. This list is not all
inclusive, and individual commands may have additional/less
14. Master-at-Arms Occupational Standards (OCCSTDS) Functional
Areas. The following areas in the MA OCCSTDS apply to the