or simulator is not available. If available, the Rifle Lowlight
Course of Fire (COF) shall be accomplished on a simulator
programmed with this COF. Before each qualification shoot, all
personnel shall receive Marksmanship/Safety/Weapon
Familiarization Training. Personnel performing annual
qualification in this manner shall perform the complete live-
fire qualification requirement at their next semi-annual
sustainment point. Training records shall record and highlight
that limited live fire training and simulator training was used
to fulfill the qualification requirement as specified in this
b. Sustainment Criteria. All Navy personnel armed with a
rifle must requalify annually on the Rifle Qualification Course
and the Rifle Lowlight Course. All Navy personnel armed with a
rifle must also undergo semiannual sustainment training between
qualification shoots, not to exceed 8 months after the last live
fire qualification. The requirements for semiannual sustainment
Navy Sharpshooter Award and Navy Expert Rifle Medal may be
earned on the Rifle Qualification Course. The Navy Rifle
Marksmanship Ribbon, Navy Sharpshooter Award, and Navy Expert
Rifle Medal must be earned using a rifle equipped with iron
sights or non-telescopic dot type sights. The use of scoped
rifles is prohibited.
Service Rifle Condition Codes:
CONDITION 1: Magazine Inserted, Bolt Forward, Round
in Chamber, Safety ON
CONDITION 2: Not Applicable
CONDITION 3: Magazine Inserted, Bolt Forward, Chamber
Empty, Ejection Port Cover Closed, Safety ON
CONDITION 4: Magazine Removed, Bolt Forward, Chamber
Empty, Ejection Port Cover Closed, Safety ON
4. Qualification Criteria for Shotguns.
a. Qualification Criteria. All Navy personnel armed with
the shotgun are required to qualify on the Shotgun Practical
Weapons Course. Before each qualification shoot, all personnel
Chapter 9: Weapons & Use of Force