Marine Corps Embassy Security Guards and other special security
forces), operate under use of force policies or ROE promulgated
by those departments or agencies, when authorized by the SecDef.
US forces always retain the right of self-defense.
(f) US Forces Operating With Multinational Forces:
1. US forces assigned to the operational control
(OPCON) or tactical control (TACON) of a multinational force
will follow the ROE of the multinational force for mission
accomplishment, if authorized by SecDef order. US forces retain
the right of self-defense. Apparent inconsistencies between the
right of self-defense contained in US ROE and the ROE of the
multinational force will be submitted through the US chain of
command for resolution. While a final resolution is pending, US
forces will continue to operate under US ROE.
2. When US forces, under US OPCON or TACON,
operate in conjunction with a multinational force, reasonable
efforts will be made to develop common ROE. If common ROE cannot
be developed, US forces will operate under US ROE. The
multinational forces will be informed prior to US participation
in the operation that US forces intend to operate under US ROE.
3. US forces remain bound by international
agreements to which the US is a party even though other
coalition members may not be bound by them.
(g) International agreements (e.g., status-of-forces
agreements) may never be interpreted to limit US forces' right
of self-defense.
(2) Policy:
(a) Unit commanders always retain the inherent right
and obligation to exercise unit self-defense in response to a
hostile act or demonstrated hostile intent.
(b) Once a force is declared hostile by appropriate
authority, US forces need not observe a hostile act or
demonstrated hostile intent before engaging the declared hostile
(c) The goal of US national security policy is to
ensure the survival, safety, and vitality of our nation and to
maintain a stable international environment consistent with US
objectives of deterring and, if necessary, defeating armed
Chapter 9: Weapons & Use of Force