special/work abatement, as well as being a liaison with the
prisoner's command and lawyer.
MA OCCSTDS Functional Area:
None. This NEC is specifically prohibited to Master-at-Arms
(2) Training. Training supervisor is responsible for
scheduling and providing staff and escort training and
maintenance of staff training records. In smaller confinement
facilities, this person may conduct prisoner reception and
maintain prisoner training records. In smaller facilities, the
training department will coordinate and supervise the
Restoration program which is organized and equipped to provide
selected offenders training with a view toward their honorable
restoration to duty or possible reenlistment. COMNAVPERSCOM
(PERS-00D1) and CMC (PSL Corrections) shall publish implementing
policy by separate instruction. They also maintain a pre-
release program for offenders being discharged from service
which educates them how to become a productive member of
society. An academic education program will be made available
to all prisoners in confinement facilities that routinely hold
prisoners in excess of 3 months.
(3) Work Details. Work supervisor is responsible for
planning and coordinating of work projects and working parties
employing prisoners. Major functions include maintaining
liaison with area coordinators, installation commanders, and
immediate superiors in command in identification and assignment
of productive work projects suitable for prisoners; ensuring
work parties are supervised by trained and qualified escorts;
monitoring work parties on or away from the confinement
facility; providing maintenance and general sanitation of
confinement facilities and grounds; and coordinating employment
of installation custody and minimum custody prisoners on
individual assignments to other commands.
d. Admin
(1) Classification and Assignment. A C&A board shall be
established at each confinement facility and shall be
responsible for establishing the individual prisoner's program
upon completion of orientation. C&A board is concerned with
custody, work assignment, special training, and other phases of
corrections such as the Incentive program, which is a system of