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shows that the person who will consume the meal is
entitled to a special meal at no charge. The FSO makes
sure only the number of special meals is prepared as
requested on the signed copy of the NAVSUP Form 340
that is completed by the requesting officer.
At the time of pickup, the FSO or his or her
designated representative verifies the completed
original NAVSUP Form 340 with the cash collected. All
meals issued without charge arc justified with a signed
certification of entitlement to special meals or a receipt
of special meals.
The FSO or his or her designated representative
obtains a receipt signature from the requesting officer
or the requesting officer’s designated representative.
This receipt signature goes on the NAVSUP Form 340
when the special meals arc picked up.
The FSO or his or her designated representative
acknowledges receipt of cash on the working copy of
the NAVSUP Form 340 and returns the receipted copy
with the special meals to the requesting officer. The FSO
then retains the original NAVSUP Forms 340 with the
signed certification to prepare the monthly Special
Meals Report, NAVSUP Form 1340, with the signed
certificate for posting the monthly Ration and Sales
Report, NAVSUP Form 1357.
Requesting Officer
The requesting officer is responsible for the
Determining eligibility for special meals
Preparing the NAVSUP Form 340 for request and
receipt of special meals
Collecting charges for special meals sold for cash
Endorsing orders for special meals made
available to enlisted personnel receiving per
Obtaining signatures on the reverse side of the
NAVSUP Form 340 for special meals furnished
to enlisted members of foreign governments
The requesting officer (usually the air terminal
officer, squadron duty officer, or officer exercising
operational control of the flight, small craft, or group
travel operation) prepares, in triplicate, the Special Meal
Request/Rcccipt, NAVSUP Form 340.
One signed copy of the NAVSUP Form 340 is then
forwarded to the FSO at least 3 hours before the time
special meals are picked up from the foodservice office.
The requesting officer receives payment from
personnel receiving special meals in one of the
following manners:
. Cash in the amounts prescribed by Naval Supply
Systems Command instructions.
. Certification by an officer or chief petty officer
that personnel are entitled to meals without charge. A
list of names, meal passes, or travel order numbers, and
the activities to which assigned are provided to support
the certification.
l Signed receipt for flight meals (on reverse of
NAVSUP Form 340) from foreign personnel.
. Endorsement of travel orders to show receipt.
The requesting officer then makes sure the original
NAVSUP Form 340 is completed, showing the
breakdown of special meals requested and the
signatures of any foreign personnel on the reverse, to
provide to the FSO or his or her designated
representative at the time of pickup of the special meals.
When 10 or less special meals are issued during the
monthly accounting period, they are accounted for the
same as regular GM meals. The accounting procedures
discussed next are used only when more than 10 special
meals are issued during the monthly accounting period.
The FSO uses either a NAVSUP Form 1282 or a
NAVSUP Form 1059 to record the quantity and value
of food items required in preparing the special meals.
The issue document is priced and extended using fixed
prices. This is done at the time of issue. The quantity
issued is posted as an expenditure in the Other column
of the Subsistence Ledger, NAVSUP Form 335. The
issue document should be retained by the FSO pending
preparation of the Monthly Special Meals Report,
NAVSUP Form 1340.
When a flight or operation is canceled or other valid
circumstances prevent the use of special meals
requested and prepared, they can be returned to the FSO.
However, special meals are not returned for credit if
more than 3 hours have elapsed since they were issued.