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Figure 5-7.—Equivalents of measures.
paragraphs explain the procedures that must be followed
Cooking is the art of preparing food in such away
during the preparing and handling offood.
that it will appeal to the eye, be tasty, be easily digested,
and furnish nourishment. This section provides
Safe Holding Temperatures for Cooked Foods
information on food types, methods of cooking, and
specific preparation techniques that may be used to
Protein foods that are not served immediately after
produce high-quality products. The sanitary aspects of
they are cooked must be either chilled to temperatures
food preparation will be considered first.
of 40°F and lower (but not frozen) or held at 140°F and
higher. Protein foods include meats, fish, poultry,
gravies, meat stock, soups, eggs, custards, cream
fillings, and milk.
Every precaution should be taken in the handling of
Cooked protein foods that have been held at
food to prevent contamination. The following
temperatures between 40°F and 140°F for more than 4