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The bulk storeroom storekeeper having custody of
the food items delivered accepts responsibility by
signing a statement on the invoice that normally reads,
“I accept responsibility for these items and hold myself
accountable to the United States Government.”
Date Stamping
Food items must be date-stamped or color-coded to
make sure the oldest stock is used first.
Regardless of the source from which food items are
obtained and regardless of any prior inspection, it may
be your responsibility to inspect them as they arrive to
determine that the specified quantities have been
A designated member of the medical department
should perform a fitness-for-human-consumption
inspection upon receipt of food items that have been
purchased from a local market or under contracts that
require inspection at destination. The receipt document
showing that this inspection has been done must be
signed by the medical representative.
Inspection of Food Items Received From Naval
Sources and Other Government Agencies
An ashore supply activity will perform a quality
inspection of food items upon acceptance from the
original supplier.
This inspection should be done
according to NAVSUPINST 4355.4 and should make
sure the food items conform to the specifications
included in the purchase document. Such inspection
will not be duplicated aboard ship. Before storing, the
receiving individual will coordinate inspection
procedures to detect any deterioration, contamination,
or infestation that may have occurred since the quality
inspection at the supply activity. Contaminated or
infested foods received via underway replenishment
should be immediately separated and disposed of
according to the NAVSUP P-486. Government-owned
subsistence items received in usable condition but unfit
for storage should be used promptly and any loss
Inspection of Food Items Received From
Commercial Sources
Subsistence items received from commercial
vendors will be inspected at origin and destination for
conformance to all terms and conditions quoted or
referred to in the contract or purchase order. However,
inspection at origin may be waived if lack of time or
other justifying circumstances exist. The supply officer
will make sure the commercial vendor has certified that
the food items delivered are in conformance with the
requirements of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic
Act. Meat, poultry, fish, and their by-products delivered
under contract within the United States will be accepted
only if they bear the appropriate stamps from the
respective government agencies.
In addition they
should also have the special Department of Defense
stamp. These various stamps are illustrated in figure
Inspection by the Medical Department
A designated representative of the medical
department will perform a fitness-for-human-con-
sumption inspection upon receipt of food items that have
been purchased on the local market or under contracts
that require inspection at destination. The receipt
document showing that a fitness-for-human-con-
sumption inspection has been performed should be
signed by the medical representative. Suspected items
in which there is doubt as to fitness are not accepted and
are referred to a local Army veterinarian or
environmental preventive medicine unit (EPMU) for
Unsatisfactory Food Items
The subsistence supply system has quality
assurance provisions designed to guarantee the receipt
of wholesome, satisftactory food products. However,
the system does experience breakdowns in specification
standards is allowing some unsatisfactory products to
filter into the supply pipeline.
NONHAZARDOUS.— These food items do not
meet expected or desired standards, but do not constitute
a health hazard to personnel if consumed. A good
example of this would be chicken wings in a box labeled
HAZARDOUS.— These food items would
possibly cause, or are suspected to have already caused,
harm after being consumed. Determination of fitness
for human consumption is the responsibility of the