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Figure 2-10.Preparation of Record of Receipts and Expenditures NAVSUP Form 367.
l One copy, signed by the storeroom storekeeper
for Quotation, DD Form 1155, will be given to the
acknowledging responsibility for the items received and
filed in the FSOs accountability file.
l One copy, extended, to one of two files; receipts
with charge or receipts without charge. This copy is
used by the records keeper to post to the NAVSUP Form
335, the NAVSUP Form 367, and the NAVSUP Form
1336, and then filed in the appropriate receipts file.
l All remaining copies are attached to the
outstanding requisition copy taken from the outstanding
requisition file.
Distribution of Receipt Documents From
Commercial Sources
Receipts from purchase and indefinite delivery-type
contracts are handled in much the same manner as
receipts from Navy activities. When an order is placed,
one copy of the Order for Supplies or Services/Request
storeroom storekeeper for the incoming material file.
Upon receipt of the material, the inspector will remove
all copies (minimum of three) from the outstanding
purchase order file, inspect the material, circle the
quantity received, and then sign and date block 26 of the
DD Form 1155. The copies are distributed as follows:
a. Copy signed by the inspector and one additional
copy are placed under lock and key by the FSO until
receipt of the dealers bill.
b. One copy is delivered to the records storekeeper
for posting to the NAVSUP Forms 335 and 367 and
placed in the appropriate receipt file.
c. All remaining copies are returned to the
outstanding purchase order file pending receipt of the
dealers bill.
d. The storeroom storekeeper should remove the
copy of the applicable DD Form 1155 from the