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1963-Cont.    Its purpose was to impose high standards of   quality   control   on   submarine construction and operations. In 1964 the Chief   of   Naval   Operations   (CNO) established the Submarine Safety Center at the submarine base in New London, Connecticut,  to  examine  and  coordinate all matters of submarine safety. 1966-1967     SECNAV tasked CNO with reviewing the entire Navy Safety Program after a series of  fires,  collisions,  and  other  mishaps involving  surface  ships  resulted  in  more than  200  deaths  and  $100  million  in damages. On 3 May 1968, as a result of the  CNO’s  findings,  SECNAV  established the Naval Safety Center. 1970 The Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) of 1970 became law. 1973 The Commander, Naval Safety Center, was  designated  as  the  CNO’s  Safety Coordinator  (N09F),  reporting  directly  to the Vice Chief of Naval Operations. This designation  made  the  Naval  Safety Center’s   mission   more   specific   and all-encompassing. 1983 The first Navy Occupational Safety and Health   (NAVOSH)   Program   Manual, OPNAVINST   5100.23C,   was   imple- mented. Safety  programs  gained  special  prominence  after passage of the Occupational Safety and Health Act on 31 December 1970. The primary thrust of the act was directed  at  the  private-sector  employer.  However, section 19 of the act and several later Executive orders directed  federal  agencies  to  set  up  and  maintain comprehensive and effective occupational safety and health  programs. On 26 July 1971, Executive Order (EO) 11612, the Occupational Safety and Health Programs for Federal Employees,  was  signed.  This  EO  stated  that  the  federal government, as the nation’s largest employer, has a special  obligation  to  set  an  example  for  safe  and healthful employment. In that regard, the head of each federal department and agency was directed to establish an  occupational  safety  and  health  program. Over the next 3 years, federal agencies made only moderate  progress.  Congress  received  considerable criticism   for   a   perceived   double   standard   in occupational  safety  and  health  requirements  between the  private  sector  and  federal  agencies.  As  a  result,  EO 11807 replaced EO 11612 in 1974. This new order more clearly defined the scope, requirements, and responsibilities of federal agency programs. In addition, EO 11807 tasked the Secretary of Labor to issue guidelines designed to help federal agencies  in  establishing  their  programs.  These “guidelines” were issued on 9 October 1974 as Title 29, Code  of  Federal  Regulations,  Part  1960  (29  CFR  1960), Safety and Health Provisions for Federal Employees. Some critics were still not satisfied by the actions described  above.  Several  federal  agencies  questioned the regulatory authority of the Department of the Labor guidelines (29 CFR 1960). On 26 February 1980, EO 12196,  Occupational  Safety  and  Health  programs  for Federal  Employees,  superseded  EO  11807.  In  addition, the Department of Labor guidelines (29 CFR 1960) were  revised  on  21  October  1980.  They  were  reissued as  Basic  Program  Elements  for  Federal  Employee Occupational  Safety  and  Health  Programs. During the past 10 years, the Department of Defense (DOD)  has  issued  many  directives  and  instructions  to carry out the federal guidance outlined in the above paragraphs. Prominent among those directives and instructions is the  Safety  and  Occupational  Health Policy for the Department of Defense, DOD Directive 1000.3.  This  directive  outlines  general  DOD  policy  and procedures for carrying out the Occupational Safety and Health  Act  and  its  associated  Executive  order.  Another prominent  instruction  is  DOD  Instruction  6055.1, Department   of   Defense   Occupational   Safety   and Health  Program.  This  instruction  provides  the  guidance needed  to  carry  out  the  basic  occupational  safety  and health  program  elements  specified  in  29  CFR.  It  also provides  for  variances  in  equipment  standards  that  are unique to the military. DOD Directive 1000.3 designates the Assistant Secretary  of  the  Navy  (Installations  and  Environment) as the safety and occupational health official for the Department  of  the  Navy.  He  or  she  establishes, maintains,  and  modifies  safety  and  occupational  health programs. These programs carry out the requirements of DOD policy issuances and provide protection for both civilian  employees  and  military  personnel. 1-2

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