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organizing OSH, setting OSH policy, and assigning OSH   accountability,   Management   must   hold intermediate management levels accountable for all preventable  mishaps.  To  be  effective,  a  mishap investigation  must  not  coerce,  convict,  or  punish managers, supervisors, or workers. It should strive to be impartial when assessing the evidence and then develop recommendations  to  avoid  future  mishaps.  The  cause may not be one single event or design flaw. Management should work toward a safe and healthy operation or system through appropriate managerial methods. 4. Safety is economical: Mishaps cost money. Costs include those for damage repair, lost work time, worker replacement and training, and compensation claims.  Safety  specialists  must  advise  management supervisors of how safety will reduce lost work time and enhance productivity, operational effectiveness, and morale.  Money  allotted  to  provide  protective  equipment and safe working conditions is a good investment. 5. First-line supervisors are essential to safety management:  The  first-line  supervisor  (shop  foreman, work center supervisor, leading petty officer) needs time for stand-up briefings. He or she also needs the proper tools  and  personal  protective  equipment  for  safe operation.  The  first-line  supervisor  must  have  adequate resources  and  must  be  accountable  for  production  and operation  safety.  Command  support,  including  funding, is  critical  to  safe  operations. 6. Eliminate unsafe acts to reduce mishaps: Unsafe  acts,  unsafe  conditions,  and  mishaps  are symptoms  of  problems  in  the  management  system.  You, as a manager or supervisor, must examine the symptoms to find and eliminate their causes. Lack of training, poor motivation,  personality  conflicts,  drug  or  alcohol  abuse, and bad attitudes are potential mishap causes. All of these   problems   are   correctable   through   good management  and  supervision. 7. Severe mishaps should receive first priority: Certain circumstances and conditions carry a higher risk of producing severe injuries or costly damage. You can normally  identify,  anticipate,  and  control  some  of  the following  potentially  hazardous  conditions: a. b. c. Unusual,  nonroutine  activities,  like  weapons handling Nonproductive   activities,   during   which boredom can lead to horseplay or unsafe acts Activities  involving  high-energy  sources such as melting metals in a foundry d. e. f. g. h. Certain  construction  activities,  such  as demolition of a building Catastrophic  conditions  and  recovery  from such conditions Explosive  operations Lack  of  proper  on-site  supervision Inadequate  operator  skills  or  untrained workers 8. Safety is an administrative role: The  OSH manager,  safety  professional,  or  safety  officer  serves  as an advisor. The manager is responsible for safety and safe decision making, including loss control and risk management. The safety advisor monitors and aids in the   investigation   of   mishaps,   collection   of   data, evaluation of trends, and development of analyses. He or she also promotes and educates workers in safety strategies,  controls,  and  mishap  prevention  techniques. By definition, the safety officer, advisor, or manager is a  spokesperson,  cooperating  with  all  levels  of  the organization.    Each helps management and workers achieve  a  safe  and  healthy  workplace. 9. Setting a safety example is contagious:  If management  ignores  safety  precautions  or  fails  to  wear protective  equipment,  workers  receive  the  wrong message.  Strict  safety  compliance  by  all  levels  of supervision sets the right example. When workers see others  wearing  proper  protective  equipment  and following precautions, they are inclined to do the same. Management must never display the attitude that safety takes too much time or money. 10. Safety is a commitment:  All levels of the organization  must  see  management’s  motivation  and commitment to safety. Therefore, management must issue safety policy and work closely with safety councils and committees. It must address hazard abatement, allocate  resources  for  mishap  prevention  research, develop  mishap  prevention  strategies  and  actions, endorse    recordkeeping,   and maintain accountability. Supervisors  and  middle  management  must  follow  safety precautions.   They  must  convince  workers  that management  is  committed  to  safety.  These  efforts  must be convincing to motivate workers to cooperate with safety  policies.   Real mishap rate reductions result in improved effectivencss and cost savings. 11. Safety must be marketed:  Management  must “sell safety” to the workers through a visible show of support.   Promotions,   contests,   competitions, recognitions,  and  posters  are  ways  of  making  your safety program visible to the workers. Positive program 2-8

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