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conserve strength as much as possible. You can do that by resting on your back in a floating position with a minimum amount of motion. We have said this before, but we will say it again: NEVER drink and swim. Alcohol and water are a deadly combination. Alcohol dilates the blood vessels and your body loses heat faster. It also impairs your judgment and increases  risk-taking. Look before you dive! Shallow water dives could leave you paralyzed for life. It did for two Navy people in 1992. Know the depth of the water before your dive. Never dive in unknown waters. If you have a history of ear trouble, check with your doctor  before  swimming.  Try  to  avoid  swimming underwater. You may use commercial plugs to keep water out of the ear canal. If you fear eye infections or irritations, wear a face mask or goggles. Except in an emergency, avoid swimming in the dark. Finally, never jokingly call for help. Scuba, Skin, and Cave Diving Skin  diving,  scuba  diving,  and  cave  diving  are demanding swimming sports that require a person to be in  good  physical  condition.  These  activities  also  require good swimming ability and a thorough knowledge of the sport. Two Navy service members drown almost every year during recreational diving. The main reason is lack of  training  and  certification.  Proper  certification  is essential to diving safely. Open water scuba diving certification does not qualify a person for cave or cavern diving. All  divers  should  get  a  physical  examination  by  a doctor who is aware of the special hazards and demands of underwater diving. Heart problems, sinus or ear problems,  lung  trouble,  and  related  health  difficulties could make it risky for an affected individual to dive. All divers should observe the following basic safety rules for diving: NEVER  drink  alcohol  before  diving. NEVER dive until you are a good swimmer. Stay in top physical condition. NEVER dive alone-use the buddy system. Use  safe,  reliable,  time-proven  equipment.  Make sure your equipment is properly adjusted and maintained.  Be  familiar  with  your  equipment. Be familiar with your diving area before diving, and plan each dive. If you are unfamiliar with the area,  get  instruction  from  a  knowledgeable source. Always usc a float with surface identification (diver’s flag). This identification helps during rescue or for self-rescue. Heed all pains and strains as warning symptoms. Know  basic  first  aid. Know   and   obey   all   local   diving   laws   and regulations. Join a reputable diving club. Know  the  basic  laws  of  diving  physics  and physiology. Practice  skin  diving  frequently  before  scuba diving. NEVER wear goggles or earplugs when skin or scuba diving. They are  swimming  aids,  not diving  aids. Engage  only  in  diving  exercises  that  are consistent  with  your  training  and  experience. You  should  observe  the  following  basic  safety precautions for scuba diving: 11-5 NEVER use pure oxygen in your tank; it is poison to a diver. Instead, usc clean, filtered, certified, compressed  air. Know  your  decompression  rules  and  avoid planned  decompression  dives. Set up a system of communication with other divers;   develop   emergency   procedures   and procedures  for  reuniting  in  case  of  separation. NEVER hold your breath while scuba diving. NEVER dive when suffering from a cold, sore throat, or when feeling ill. NEVER ascend faster than 60 feet per minute. A usually safe rule of thumb is “NEVER ascend faster  than  the  slowest  bubbles.” Wear  a  buoyancy  compensation  device  and submersible  pressure  gauge. Adjust buoyancy to be slightly positive on full inhalation.

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