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Management, Acquisition, and Use of Motor Vehicles, DOD Directive 4500.36,
Department of Defense, Washington, DC, 1985.
Navy Recruiting Manual - Enlisted, COMNAVCRUITCOMINST 1130.8D,
Commander Navy Recruiting Command, Washington, DC, 1992.
Personal Privacy and Rights of Individuals Regarding Their Personal Records,
COMNAVCRUITCOMINST 5211.3, Commander Navy Recruiting
Command, Washington, DC, 1988.
Providing Records to Members of the Public Under the Freedom of Information
Act (FOIA), COMNAVCRUITCOMINST 5720.11D, Commander Navy
Recruiting Command, Washington, DC, 1988.
Recruiting Referral Recognition Program, COMNAVCRUITCOMINST 5305.1,
Commander Navy Recruiting Command, Washington, DC, 1993.
Reporting Requirements for Judge Advocate General Manual (JAGMAN)
lnvestigations, COMNAVCRUITCOMINST 5830.2A, Commander Navy
Recruiting Command, Washington, DC, 1991.
The Science and Art of Navy Recruiting Manual, COMNAVCRUITCOMINST
1133.6A, Commander Navy Recruiting Command, Washington, DC, 1992.
S t a n d a r d O p e r a t i n g
P r o c e d u r e s M a n u a l ( S O P M A N ) ,
COMNAVCRUITCOMINST 5400.2C, Commander Navy Recruiting
Command, Washington, DC, 1992.
Standard Subject Identification Codes, SECNAVINST 5210.11, Office of the
Secretary of the Navy, Washington, DC, 1987.
Training Program for Navy Recruiting Command Field Activities,
COMNAVCRUITCOMINST 1500.4E, Commander Navy Recruiting
Command, Washington, DC, 1991.
Chapter 5
Marketing Operations Planning,
Commander Navy Recruiting Command, Washington, DC, 1992.
The Science and Art of Navy Recruiting Manual, COMNAVCRUITCOMINST
1133.6A, Commander Navy Recruiting Command, Washington, DC, 1992.
Chapter 6
Administrative Procedures for the Hometown Area Recruiting Program (HARP),
Officer Hometown Area Recruiting Program (OHARP), and Senior Minority
Assistance to Recruiting (SEMINAR) Program, COMNAVCRUITCOMINST
1300.1G, Commander Navy Recruiting Command, Washington, DC, 1991.
T h e D e l a y e d E n t ry
P r o g r a m ( D E P ) L e a d e r s h i p M a n u a l,
COMNAVCRUITCOMINST 1133.7, Commander Navy Recruiting
Command, Washington, DC, 1992.