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Pay and Advancement Differences Recruiting personnel also should keep up to date on pay  and  advancement  differerences  between  services  and the   civilian   sector.   The   Navy  Times   often   offers advancement comparison for the different services. A pay chart is a “must have” in every recruiting station. With that, you may want to keep seapay and subpay information  as  well.  Tlese  two  incentive  pays  are positive  selling  points,  but  be  aware  that  the  other services   also   have   special   duty   pay   for   some assignments. Another good piece of evidence is a copy of  your  latest  Personal  Statement  of  Military Compensation.  It  shows  what  your  military  pay  is actually worth. For comparison with the civilian pay, you can get average and median income figures from the  Chamber  of  Commerce  or  local  tax  officials.  A common way to make a comparison for advancement in the civilian labor market is to ask the individuals how long they would have to work at their current job, or their  parents  at  theirs,   before   they   would   get   an advancement. Some may answer, tongue in cheek, that they would have to wait for someone to die or retire before they would get promoted. You can easily show the  benefits  of  the  Navywide  advancement  system. PROCESSING As  in  the  section  on  enlistment  eligibility,  the primary reference for processing requirements is the N a v y    R e c r u i t i n g    M a n u a l    -    E n l i s t e d , COMNAVCRWTCOMINST  1130.8.  In  the  following paragraphs  we  highlight  procedures  for  testing,  physical examinations, classification, MEPS   processing, applicant briefings,    and  the  treatment  of  rejected applicants. Red carpet service is the key to processing success. A great deal of work and time has gone into bringing  your  applicant  to  this  stage.  Rapport  and professional  salesmanship  must  continue  to  keep  your applicant   on   track.   Unfortunately,   much   of   the processing  is  anything  but  personal.  Recruiters  should overcome  this  by  giving  individualized  care  and consideration  to  every  applicant  and  making  sure  that he or she is well briefed on what to expect both at the MEPS and during his or her first few weeks of Navy life. ENLISTED  SCREENING  TEST The Enlisted Screening Test (EST) is given to all applicants  not  previously  tested  with  the  EST  or ASVAB.  The  EST  is  designed  to  give  an  accurate prediction  of  how  the  applicant  will  perform  on  the ASVAB.  A  conversion  chart  provided  with  the  EST materials  provides  the  applicant’s  percentage  chance  of attaining an ASVAB score of at least 21, 31, 50, and 65. If the percentage chance for a qualifying score is over 50 percent, the recruiter has a fair idea that the applicant will be able to attain that score or better on the ASVAB. EST  Administration The  EST  is  administered  by  the  canvasser  recruiter. Proctoring  is  informal  as  the  recruiter  need  not  be physically present throughout the test. The test has two parts.  The  verbal  section  of  35  questions  has  a 12-minute time limit. The math section of 30 questions has a time limit of 35 minutes. EST Security EST booklets, answer keys, and used answer sheets should  be  kept  in  a  locked  desk,  file  cabinet,  or automobile.  Local  reproduction  is  authorized.  Any compromise  of  the  EST  should  be  reported  to  the  NRD CO via your chain of command Used answer sheets are retained on file for 3 months. After that time, they may be  destroyed  by  shredding  or  burning.  ESTs  that  have been  made  unfit  for  use  may  also  be  destroyed  by shredding   or   burning. There  are  no  security requirements  for  unused  EST  answer  sheets  or conversion  charts. ARMED  SERVICES  VOCATIONAL APTITUDE BATTERY The ASVAB is a battery of 10 subtests, The scores of  the  subtests  are  combined  to  yield  two  types  of composites – academic and occupational. The ASVAB is designed  to  determine  not  only  what  the  potential learning  capacity  of  the  individual  may  be,  but  also what  occupational  fields  the  examinee  may  be  best suited  for.  The  Military  Entrance  and  Processing Command  (MEPCOM)  has  overall  responsibility  for procurement, control, and administration of all ASVAB tests.  Let’s  take  a  look  at  other  responsibilities  for student  testing,  production  tests,  and  printed  material that can assist in your efforts to “sell” the ASVAB. Student Testing The ASVAB is offered through the Department of Defense  (DOD)  Student  Testing  Program  to  interested high   schools   and   postsecondary   institutions.   This program is designed to stimulate interest in occupational 6-38

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