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3-50. Prior service cards should be retained for what specific period of time? 1. 1  year  after  release  from  active  duty  or discharge 2. 2  years  after  release  from  active  duty  or discharge 3. 2 years after RTC graduation 4. 3 years after RTC graduation 3-51. The working tickler should be arranged by which of the following methods? 1. 12 months of the year with the first month divided by 31 working days 2. 12 months of the year with the first 3 months divided by working days 3. 12 months of the year with the first week divided by working days 4. 12 months only 3-52. Of  the  following  tools,  which  enables  the  RINC  to ensure recruiters have the resources to complete planned prospecting and meet the station’s goals? 1. Station planner 2. PATE sheet 3. Working tickler 4. SMART  system 3-53. The RINC should load the working tickler at which  of  the  following  times? 1. The  first  day  of  each  week 2. The  first  day  of  each  month 3. The last working day of each week for the following  week 4. The last working day of each month for the following  month 3-54. Of  the  following  considerations,  which  should come  first  when  loading  working  ticklers? 1. Recruiter    personality 2. Past   productivity 3. NRS goals 4. Carryovers 3-55. More  work  force  cards  are  usually  required  than will-grad  cards  to  net  the  same  number  of interviews. 3-56. The number of prospect cards loaded into a recruiter’s working tickler should coincide with which of the following factors? 1. Station  contact  ratios 2. Station   goals 3. The  recruiter’s  plan  for  the  day 4. The recruiter’s goal for the month 3-57. Prospect cards for individuals who have QNE’d should be maintained in the working tickler for what specific period of time? 1. 1 month 2. 5 months 3. 6 months 4. 12 months 3-58. Local leads cards should be maintained in the working tickler for what specific period of time unless contracted or determined unworkable? 1. 1 month 2. 2 months 3. 3 months 4. 4 months 3-59. Maintenance  of  the  prospect  card  system  is  the responsibility of which of the following individuals? 1. Each recruiter 2. RINC 3.      ZS 4. All of the above 3-60. At what minimum interval should the prospect card system be purged? 1. Daily 2. Weekly 3. Monthly 4. Annually 3-61. To estimate the number of cards in the prospect card system, 1 inch of cards should equal what specific number of cards? 1. 50  cards 2. 100  cards 3. 150  cards 4. 200 cards 1. True 2. False 18

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