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5-60. Recruiters should take the initiative to set up their own  public  affairs  events  to  generate  Navy awareness. 1. True 2. False 5-61. Sea Power presentations are primarily conducted in  which  of  the  following  formats? 1. Formal   lecture 2. Slide presentation 3. Movie  presentation 4. Panel   discussions 5-62. The Navy Adventure exhibit consists of which of the   following   elements? 1. A  van  with  computerized  graphics 2. Photographic  and  chrome  frame  panels 3. Navy  rank  structure  and  unit  patches 4. A rotating display of Navy medals and awards 5-63. Portable exhibits should be set up in which of the following  locations? 1. Indoors  only 2. Outdoors  only 3. Ground floors only unless the building has a cargo  elevator 4. Only in buildings which provide 24-hour security guards 5-64. Exhibit promotion releases should be made at which  of  the  following  times? 1. Before the exhibit 2. During the dates of the exhibit 3. After  the  exhibit 4. All of the above 5-65 Collateral  material  targeted  to  individuals responding  to  the  Navy’s  toll-free  number  has which of the following classifications? 1. Lead  generation 2. Fulfillment 3. Sales closing 4. Transition 5-66. Awareness collateral material targets which of the following audiences? 1. High  school  seniors 2. Work force 3. High school counselors 4. DEP  personnel 5-67. The How You Can Join the Navy pamphlet is an example  of  which  type  of  collateral  material? 1. Transition 2. Awareness 3. Sales closing 4. Lead  generation 5-68. A RAD number of 211-3814 indicates the item was  produced  in  what  fiscal  year? 1. 1991 2. 1992 3. 1993 4. 1994 5-69. A per recruiter number of 10EA/3X/l2M0 on a RAD item indicates which of the following distribution    schedules? 1. Every 10 recruiters will receive 3 items once each year 2. Each recruiter will receive 10 items 3 times a year 3. Each recruiter will receive 10 items each year 4. 10 items will be received for every 3 recruiters   annually 5-70. Money for promotional items is based on which of the following factors? 1. Market  share 2. Number of recruiters 3. Goal attainment 4. Area preference 5-71. Why is it important to know your audience when preparing for a speech? 1. You  want  to  prepare  your  speech  to  their level 2. You want to prepare your speech above their level so they will be impressed 3. You want to tell them only things that they already  know  about 4. You  want  to  tell  them  only  things  they  want to  hear 5-72. What are the three parts to a short speech? 1. Introduction, narrative, and ending 2. Introduction,   presentation,   and   close 3. Attention, readiness, and motivation 4. Attention, readiness, and conclusion 32

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