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CHAPTER 2 TRAINING Some of the best-trained sailors in the world report to   recruiting   duty.   They   are   topnotch   mechanics, technicians, operators, and so on. Now, it is your job to train these sailors to be topnotch recruiters. Training in the  recruiting  environment  differs  somewhat  from normal  in-rate  training  programs.  You  have  senior people who have mastered their respective rates over the course of their careers. Now they are assigned to a job that they know little about and must master in one tour. It’s  like  starting  them  out  with  seaman  apprentice knowledge  and  expecting  petty  officer  performance. Some will learn quickly, displaying a natural ability for sales.  Others  may  need  more  attention  to  make  the transition.  This  chapter  gives  guidance  on  formal training, recruiter qualification standards (RQS), and on-the-job  training  (OJT). COMMAND  TRAINING  PROGRAM The  Training   Program   for   Navy   Recruiting Command Field Activities,  COMNAVCRUITCOMINST 1500.4,  provides  the  guidance  for  the  Navy  Recruiting Command’s training program. It includes the directed command training plan, training record maintenance instructions,  and  indoctrination  training  requirements. COMMAND TRAINING PLAN The command training plan provides the minimum professional  and  general  military  training  (GMT)  to  be delivered during the fiscal year. Each Navy recruiting district (NRD) develops its own annual training plan within  the  guidelines  of  the  Commander,  Navy Recruiting Command (CNRC) training plan. You will use  the  NRD  training  plan  to  develop  your  zone  or station  training  program. You have some leeway in the delivery of required training topics. You may reschedule training 1 month before  or  1  month  after  the  month  scheduled  in  the command training plan. Get others involved in training delivery. It lends variety to meetings, involves more of the zone members, and is, in itself, a training evolution. One of the best ways to learn a subject well is to teach it. GMT  Topics Topics listed with an asterisk in the training plan may be delivered through the plan of the day (POD), plan of the week (POW), or other informal means. If you decide additional emphasis is necessary, you may also  deliver  them  formally.  Those  topics  listed  without an  asterisk  must  be  delivered  in  a  formal  training environment. GMT is important to maintain our own Navy skills and to benefit our delayed entry personnel. Professional  Topics All  professional  training  must  be  delivered  in  a formal  training  session.  These  sessions  may  be conducted in a variety of ways, such as during monthly zone production and planning meetings, at scheduled station  visits,  or  in  regular  station  training.  There  are benefits to all three methods. Zone supervisors (ZSs) must  carefully  evaluate  their  zones  to  decide  which method   of   professional   training   delivery   is   most advantageous  to  the  team  as  a  whole.  Even  formal training need not be limited to lecture style of delivery. Include   show-and-tell   demonstrations,   whenever possible. F O R M A L     T R A I N I N G     A T     Z O N E MEETINGS.–  Conducting  the  professional  training  at  a zone meeting ensures all members of the zone receive the  same  information,  and  it  allows  for  a  broader  base of  input  for  general  discussion.  All  training  should  not be  conducted  by  the  ZS.  Alternating  training  topic assignments will keep everyone sharp as well as lend a little variety to the meetings. F O R M A L    T R A I N I N G    A T    S T A T I ON VISITS.–  Some  ZSs  prefer  to  conduct  professional training at regularly scheduled station visits. The smaller audience at the station visit allows you to tailor the training  to  the  experience  and  skill  levels  of  the members. If you conduct the training during station visits, make sure all zone personnel understand that you will  be  conducting  training  during  set  hours.  Only emergencies should interrupt. Put on the answering machine and let the rest of the world turn without you for a few hours. 2-1

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