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Page Title: Chapter 8 - Recruiting Management and Analysis Systems
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CHAPTER 8 RECRUITING MANAGEMENT AND ANALYSIS SYSTEMS As  we  start  this  chapter  on  management  and analysis  systems,  it  is  appropriate  to  discuss  this business of management. Management  is  not  the same  as  leadership;  it  can  never  take  its  place. Management techniques do, however, affect leadership and vice versa. Both are very necessary skills for the supervisor  to  refine. Management  concepts  have evolved   dramatically   through   the   years. Navy recruiting, as the Navy in general, has been responsive to these changes in philosophy. The old management by results focused on numbers only. Recruiters were tasked  with  meeting  numbers  in  virtually  every prospecting  and  processing  category.  This  fostered many  problems. Now,  recruiting  supervisors  are tasked with providing quality leadership by working on the methods and correcting problems through the systems.  We’ll  still  look  at  statistics.  They  are important  business  management  tools.  We’ll  be  using those  statistics  to  find  indicators  of  where  to  start looking  for  problems  and  solutions.  Statistics  provide a method to identify symptoms rather than determine the final diagnosis. Statistics also show evidence of success. It is just as important to identify success so that  it  will  continue. This   chapter   focuses   on providing  leadership  by  managing  and  improving  our systems. PROBLEMS FOSTERED BY USING NUMERICAL  GOALS  TO  JUDGE PERFORMANCE We  mentioned  the  changes  in  management philosophy. Let’s take a look at some of the problems fostered  by  the  old  system  of  judging  performance  by the  attainment  of  numerical  goals.  Avoiding  these pitfalls will make your job easier and your recruiters more   successful. Some  of  these  problems  are included  in  the  following  paragraphs. SHORT-TERM  THINKING Recruiters aimed only at attaining the numbers tended to look at the immediate concern rather than long-range  recruiting  efforts. The  request  for  a presentation to middle school students was declined so the  recruiters  could  log  a  few  hundred  phone  attempts. There was no incentive to participate in activities that would  benefit  the  recruiting  command  in  years  to come. MISGUIDED FOCUS Focus  has  become  a  leadership  and  management buzz  word  The  problem  with  focusing  so  much  is that  sometimes  we  fail  to  see  the  whole  picture. Management  by  results  often  focused  on  one  category of numbers that was not being met without seeing the surrounding   reasons. Misguided  focus  results  in frustration at all levels. INTERNAL  CONFLICT When numbers take priority, internal conflict is likely to result. The team effort gets overlooked and people  are  less  likely  to  combine  efforts  toward  a common   goal. Internal  conflict  occurs  between superiors  and  subordinates  as  well  as  between  peers. In a business of sales, such as ours, this conflict tends to destroy attitudes that account for over half of the circle of success. FUDGING THE FIGURES Focusing   only   on   the   numbers   to   judge performance  results  in  the  temptation  to  fudge  on those figures. “Well, if they want numbers, I’ll give them  numbers,”  becomes  a  common  attitude.  We  end up with a lot of numbers with no results to show for them. When this happens, analysis becomes difficult or even impossible. Supervisors end up pinpointing the   wrong   problem and   training   efforts   are misdirected. Tempting people to fudge the numbers just does not make good leadership sense. GREATER  FEAR Fear is natural when too much emphasis is placed on the attainment of numbers. Fear results in poor attitudes and a catch-22 situation ensues. The more fear, the poorer the results; the poorer the results, the 8-1

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