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of activities, or a pat on the back, it should always end on a positive note. Keep in mind that we are in the  business  of  selling  ourselves  as  well  as  the  Navy. All recruiters should leave the DPR with the feeling that they can do that. ZS’s DPRs The ZS’s DPR with each station is very much like the  RINCs’  DPR  with  their  recruiters.  ZSs  need  to tailor their DPR to the experience and skill level of the   RINC. A   DPR   with   a   new   RINC   will undoubtedly  be  much  more  detailed  than  one  with  an experienced and successful RINC. The ZS is actually training the RINC by the questions that are asked. If the  RINC  does  not  have  an  answer,  he  or  she  will know that the question should have been asked during his  or  her  own  DPR. The  following  steps  are provided for a detailed station DPR. You may want to tailor it for your own RINCs. Check Status on All Carry-Overs Interviews should have only been carried over if they  are  scheduled  for  processing.  Check  on  their progress. Check Status on All Interviews Without Disposition Check the status of all previous interviews that have  not  contracted.  Update  processing  schedules  and identify  delays. Check on All Scheduled to Process Review  BEERs,  waiver  requirements,  and  any medical  concerns,  If  applicable,  check  on  parental consent, Inquire  on  kit  completion  and  any documentation   problems. Discuss   anticipated classification  concerns.  If  nuclear  field  (NF)  qualified, check to make sure transcripts are in hand. Check on Those Scheduled to ASVAB Locally Determine if step-selling may be a problem with those  applicants  who  are  scheduled  for  Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) only. Do they have the authority to buy? Is there a plan for follow-up once the test is administered? Document New Interviews New  interviews  that  are  eligible,  committed,  and consenting  to  further  processing  should  be  entered  on the  ZS’s  applicant  log.  Make  sure  the  next  step  is firmly scheduled, Discuss strategy for follow-up. Discuss New Interviews That Are Not Scheduled for Processing Although interviews that have not consented to further processing are not kept on the ZS applicant log, you still need to find out more about them. Have the  RINC  explain  the  interview  briefly.  Discuss objection-handling  and  follow-up  plans. Discuss Prospecting Plan Status Discuss prospecting plan status. Is the plan on track?  Have  adjustments  been  made,  if  necessary? Are there additional steps that need to be taken? This does   not   mean   taking   numbers;   simply   monitor progress.  Ask  about  results  of  scheduled  school  visits and  itineraries. Check on Shippers Check  on  remaining  shippers  for  the  month  to make sure any problems are identified well in advance of the ship date. Check on DEP Problems Although  RINCs  should  advise  the  ZS  when problems arise within the DEP pod, it doesn’t hurt to add this to your DPR. A quick question asking if any DEP  problems  have  been  identified  can  head  off problems before they get a chance to grow. Determine Station’s Overall Status Determine  the  station’s  overall  status  towards  goal attainment. The ZS should know the average number of working applicants required per contract by each station.  Compare  their  progress  to  the  figures  on  the PATE  sheet.  Always  know  the  number  of  days  left  in the month that MEPS will be open. Ask yourself if the station has enough applicants working to meet its objective  with  the  remaining  time.  If  not,  ask  for their plan to get on track. 8-11

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