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more likely to take the initiative to solve their own problems. Sometimes problems are fleeted up just to avoid  decision  making.  The  applicants  aren’t  the  only ones  who  sometimes  hate  making  decisions.  When presented  with  a  problem,  make  sure  the  bearer realizes who actually owns it, now, and when your conversation  is  concluded.  Of  course,  you  can  set time aside to help the RINC arrive at a joint decision, if necessary. More often than not, when faith and confidence  are  displayed  in  their  ability  and  they  are reminded   who   owns   the   problem,   RINCs   will determine  their  own  corrective  action. Don’t Let Fire Fighting Become a  Full-Time  Occupation We’ve  all  heard  the  expression,  “I’ve  been  putting out fires all day.”    We can never recoup time spent putting out fires. So, we spent all day fighting fires, only  to  have  tomorrow  start  out  1  full  day  behind schedule.  Because  we  are  behind,  everything  must  be rescheduled,  which  requires  more  time  not  previously planned.  Pretty  soon,  it  becomes  a  vicious  circle because  all  of  those  things  put  off  until  the  last moment  due  to  fire  fighting  have  now  become  fires  of their  own.  When  it  goes  too  far,  the  supervisor  either gundecks what is behind schedule or just throws in the towel altogether. Before dropping everything to rush  to  the  fire  scene,  ask  yourself  whose  training time  is  being  consumed. Give  your  subordinates credit for their intelligence and abilities. Ask them what  they  feel  they  should  do  to  correct  the  problem. Delegate Whenever Possible Delegating is a skill required of all supervisors. We can never delegate responsibility, but we should do  some  delegating  of  duties.  Not  only  is  it  necessary for effective time management, it is a necessary part of our training program. Every zone should have an assistant ZS and every multiple-person station should have  an  assistant  RINC. Besides  acting  as  the supervisor  in  his  or  her  absence,  assistant  RINCs should be assigned some duties as part of an ongoing training evolution. Plan  time  to  follow  up  on delegated duties to ensure training has been effective. Use Your Planner In  a  previous  chapter,  we  discussed  the  ZS monthly  planner/itinerary  and  the  station  planner.  The RINC and ZS should realize that their time must be planned just as efficiently, perhaps more so, than the recruiters’. Leave some time on your planner open for  flexibility. You   may   have   to   provide   some unexpected training to help one of your RINCs solve a  problem. From Super-RINC to Effective ZS Let’s take another look at Chief Taylor after he acknowledges some basic ideas of time management and sound leadership. He has now set some ground rules for the RINCs to follow. He takes no calls other than emergencies during the hours from 1000 to 1400. These  hours  are  dedicated  to  RINC  training  at scheduled station visits. Routine problems are now handled during the time allotted for the DPR with each  RINC. He  has  also  made  sure  the  RINCs understand that their problems are just that – their problems. And that they will still be their problems after   discussing   them   with   him.   He   will   gladly schedule time to train and advise, even to work out a joint   decision,   but   the   problem   will   remain   the RINCs’. The  same  day  now  looks  quite  different. Chief Taylor arrives on time for his first station visit of the day. He never knows that Station A ran out of medical prescreening forms because the RINC took the initiative to swing by another NRS and borrow some until her next supply run. The station visit goes well. The RINC was having trouble getting access to one high school. Chief Taylor provided training and had  the  RINC  schedule  a  joint  school  visit  for  the recruiter, RINC, and ZS during the next scheduled station  visit. In  the  meantime,  the  RINC  has  a alternative  plan  for  identifying  the  high  school’s market. The  remainder  of  the  visit  was  spent  with  the RINC   and   the   newest   recruiter   on   a   scheduled itinerary.  Chief  Taylor  was  pleased  that  the  previous month’s training had paid off and the new recruiter was  becoming  proficient  in  PDCing  and  obtaining referrals. After returning to his office, he finds out the  NF-qualified  applicant  scheduled  for  tomorrow may  be  a  problem,  but  the  RINC  outlines  what  steps he  has  taken  to  resell  the  applicant.  Chief  Taylor offers a few more ideas and tells the RINC to keep him posted. During production review with Station A, he finds that two of next month’s shippers are getting cold  feet.  He  discusses  strategies  with  the  RINC.  She tells  him  she  has  appointments  with  both  the following day and will incorporate the ZS’s ideas to resell  the  DEPpers.  She  will  report  the  results  to  the ZS  during  tomorrow’s  production  review.  After 8-22

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