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Figure 1-3.Navy Recruiting Command staff organizational chart.
including billet control and distribution, distribution of
military personnel, liaison with area personnel support
activities for headquarters military personnel, and
management of recruiting assistance programs to return
Navy personnel to their home areas to assist local
recruiters in attracting quality applicants for Navy
programs and provide senior minority recruiting
assistance to recruiting.
LOGISTICS (CODE 12). Code 12 conducts supply
and contracting functions for COMNAVCRUITCOM
headquarters and provides guidance and direction in
these matters to field activities.
Plans and Policies Department (Code 20)
Code 20 develops plans in support of the recruiting
policies established by higher authority. Code 20 also
maintains liaison with higher authority regarding policy
POLICY (CODE 21). Code 21 develops policy as
necessary in matters of officer and enlisted recruiting.
22 is responsible for coordinating research programs
initiated by the Navy Recruiting Command. Code 22
conducts market analysis, recommending goal and
resource allocation for long- and short-range proposals.
This code provides Standardized Territory Evaluation
and Analysis for Management (STEAM) data in the
form of the ZIP Code Market Analysis Report to Areas
and districts.
Operations Department (Code 30)
Code 30 manages programs for the recruitment of
enlisted, officer, and reserve candidates. The operations
department establishes standards of recruiter
performance and monitors field productivity and training
programs. Code 30 interfaces with other recruiting
services and the Military Entrance and Processing
Command (MEPCOM).
implements and manages the recruitment of qualified
applicants for all officer and officer candidate programs.