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status.  These  indicate  facts  that  would  disqualify  the applicant for enlistment if they were known by the Navy at the time of enlistment. CATEGORY  II.–  These  investigations  involve serious  incidents  in  an  applicant’s  background  or status   that,   if   true,   could   have   been   waived   or otherwise acted upon, resulting in a proper enlistment. CATEGORY  III.–  These cases are sent to the field for information only, although an investigation or inquiry   may   be   directed   by   the   field   if   deemed appropriate.  These  cases  include,  among  others,  those to which the 2-year Statute of Limitations (Uniform Code of Military Justice [UCMJ], Article 43) would apply. More  specifically,  if  an  irregularity  was determined to have taken place, cases involving minor allegations  and  those  in  which  the  recruiting  personnel involved  are  no  longer  subject  to  the  UCMJ  as  a matter of law (for example, discharged or deceased) or policy  (for  example,  retired)  would  be  covered  by  this category. CATEGORY   IV.–   These  cases  are  those forwarded  to  the  U.S.  Military  Enlistment  Processing Command (MEPCOM) or other agencies outside the Navy for action or information as deemed appropriate by  those  commanders. CATEGORY   V.–   These   inquiries   involve incidents  or  information  initially  indicating  an apparent minor recruiting or processing irregularity with  respect  to  an  otherwise  properly  documented enlistment. The effort required to resolve the matter may   involve   a   minimal   number   of   persons   or documents and may indicate that only a single aspect of  the  enlistment  need  be  addressed. Investigation  Procedures The  investigation  must  be  conducted  by  an impartial  commissioned  officer,  warrant  officer,  or senior enlisted person, E-7 or above. If feasible, the investigating  officer  should  not  be  junior  to  any person whose conduct or performance of duty will be subject to investigation. Policies   and   Procedures Governing   Recruiting   and   Enlistment   Processing Irregularities,  COMNAVCRUITCOMINST    1137.2, gives detailed procedures for conducting and reporting the   investigation. Investigations and the ensuing report of investigation must be completed within 30 days  after  receipt  of  notification  of  the  apparent irregularity. Requirements for additional time must be requested  from  the  IG.  Completed  reports  provide  an excellent  source  of  management  information.  They should  be  routed  to  all  persons  affected  by  the information to correct weak points in the recruiting process. The definitions in the following paragraphs apply  to  recruiting/enlistment  processing  irregularities. MALPRACTICE.– When a person in recruiting engages in unethical or illegal conduct while dealing with an applicant or when handling the application for enlistment,  he  or  she  is  guilty  of  malpractice. Malpractice   involves   improper   conduct   willfully perpetrated  by  a  member  of  COMNAVCRUITCOM  in violation of an established law, regulation, policy, or directive  in  order  to  enlist  an  applicant  who  does  not meet  enlistment  eligibility  requirements.  Improper conduct  amounting  to  malpractice  also  occurs  when  a member of COMNAVCRUITCOM wrongfully places an  applicant  in  a  higher  mental  or  educational category than the facts warrant or wrongfully places an applicant in a program for which he or she is not qualified. The   key   element   to   a   malpractice determination is that the wrongful action is knowingly or  intentionally  accomplished  by  the  responsible member   of   COMNAVCRUITCOM,   or   that   the improper  action  was  accomplished  with  such  gross negligence  as  to  demonstrate  a  reckless  disregard  for the  consequences. IRREGULAR ENLISTMENT.–  Included  within the term malpractice  are  several  categories  of  irregular enlistments.  In  the  armed  forces,  irregular  enlistments are categorized as void or voidable, depending upon whether  the  defect  in  the  enlistment  requires,  or merely  allows,  the  enlistment  to  be  terminated.  In certain instances an enlistment may change from void to  voidable.  There  are  special  rules  applicable  to determinations  of  entitlement  to  pay  and  allowances and  to  court-martial  jurisdiction  that  may  vary,  or appear  to  vary,  from  these  definitions. For  our purposes,  the  definitions  in  the  following  paragraphs apply. Irregular Enlistment. – An enlistment entered into under the color of the law, but that is imperfect by reason  of  the  existence  or  nonexistence  of  some particular fact or circumstance (for example, a defect) that renders it not substantially in compliance with applicable  law  or  regulations. Erroneous Enlistment.– An enlistment agreement into which the government would not have entered had  the  true  facts  been  known  or  had  the  legal 3-26

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