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speaker becomes known and members of the
community have heard a presentation, others may
then want to schedule the speaker for their groups.
You may want to approach high school and
community college educators and administrators
with the offer to deliver presentations as an
academic supplement to the curricula.
Reporting and Recognition
The CNO Sea Power Presentation Program,
COMNAVCRUITCOMINST 5720.19, provides
guidance on reporting Sea Power presentations to
COMNAVCRUITCOM and eligibility requirements
for CNO Certificates of Merit. Individual and
command membership awards are earned for
delivering a specified number of presentations.
These are personalized, suitable for framing, and
are accompanied by appropriate commendatory
correspondence signed by the CNO.
schedules are found in the previously mentioned
There is a variety of exhibits available to assist
recruiters in their Navy awareness efforts.
N a v y R e c r u i t i n g E x h i b i t C e n t e r
(NAVCRUITEXHIBCENT) vans and static
displays, portable exhibits, and other Navy source
exhibits offer a wide selection of public interest
The Procedures for Navy Recruiting Exhibit Center
(NAVCRUITEXHIBCENT) Exhibit Scheduling,
g u i d a n c e a n d p o l i c y o n s c h e d u l i n g t he
NAVCRUITEXHIBCENT vans and static displays.
The NAVCRUITEXHIBCEN inventory includes
five information vans. This permits assignment of
one van to each Navy recruiting Area to be directed
during the school year, 15 October through 31 May.
Each NRD will solicit field input to forward
consolidated schedule
COMNAVCRUITAREA. Each Area coordinates
scheduling with the NAVCRUITEXHIBCENT.
Once schedule dates are confirmed, it is up to you
to ensure maximum use of the vans during your
scheduled time. A recruiter must man the van
during all show hours.
DEP and hometown area
recruiting assistance program (HARP) personnel
may assist the recruiter, but not act as substitutes.
The following descriptions and audience targets can
help in your decision of where to schedule the vans.
Career Education Vans
The career education vans each have six
audiovisual modules.
The first module uses
videotape to emphasize Navy adventure and
comradeship. Modules two and three provide the
viewer activated computer information on career
fields available in the Navy. Module four provides
information concerning Navy vocational
The show provides information
concerning recruit training, basic schools, on-the-job
training, and advanced technical schools. Module
five conveys information about the different Navy
educational and scholastic assistance programs.
Module six presents a television short, Ports of Call
Around the World.
Target audience:
High school, vocational,
community college students.
Nuclear Power Specialty Van
This exhibit provides information concerning
ocmpational specialties aboard nuclear ships. A
television and two computers provide information
about officer and enlisted programs to test the
viewers knowledge on basic training programs,
entry qualifications,
and schooling
available. Other attractions are an edited video
emphasizing the various aspects of the nuclear Navy
and a functional submarine periscope through which
visitors can scan the area surrounding the van.
Target audience:
Scientific and technically
oriented students and general public.
Naval Aviation Specialty Van
This exhibit features a cutaway model jet engine
with narration explaining the principal parts and
theory of jet propulsion. There is a video monitor
and the forward section has a stand-up theater that
features associated films of naval aviation.
Target audience: Aviation recruitables.
Multitheme Vans
Multitheme vans provide information about the
three naval communities: aviation, surface, and
submarine forces. A multitheme van is sectioned