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C Cell
C cells are lower mental group HSDGs. This
market may be freely recruited.
D Cell
D cells are lower mental group NHSGs. We do
not enlist this market.
The prior service market is composed of individuals
who have served on active duty in the Navy, Air Force,
Army, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, or any of the
Reserve components for a minimum of 180 consecutive
days for paygrades E-4 and above or 365 consecutive
days for paygrades E-1 through E-3. Although the prior
service prospects have experience to offer, their
enlistment is restricted based on current manning needs.
The prior service
market is divided into two
categories Navy veterans (NAVETs) and other service
veterans (OSVETs). Marketing efforts for prior service
personnel are contingent upon goals within your district.
You also should consider your territorys minority
markets. You should identify the location of Black upper
mental group (BUMG) and Hispanic upper mental group
(HUMG) populations. The concept of minority upper
mental group goaling is to ensure each population group
is equally represented within the Navy.
Territory analysis consists of gathering together as
much marketing information as you can about your
specific territory and making some educated assumptions
about your market. This information is used to develop
prospecting plans, recommend manning requirements
and facility locations, and evaluate goals, and becomes
the basis for your input to the districts marketing
operations plan.
The Standardized Territory Evaluation and Analysis
for Management (STEAM) process of market analysis is
used at all districts. The STEAM is a systematic analysis
of the district. Zone and Navy recruiting station (NRS)
boundaries, educational institutions, and populations are
identified by ZIP Codes. After a thorough analysis of
STEAM data and subjective factors, sound decisions can
be made on recruiter assignment and goaling.
Recruiting success requires that you locate the
recruitable population and assign goals based on the
market. Market identification makes sure each NRS has
a fair share of the market and goals are fairly
apportioned based on that share of the market.
Updating Requirements and Reports
A complete STEAM is conducted at each Navy
recruiting district (NRD) every 24 months. Area
marketing staffs schedule and provide technical guidance
for the STEAM process. The STEAM is updated
annually upon receipt of the ZIP Code Market Analysis
(ZCMA) report and quarterly upon receipt of the
Department of Defense (DOD) all service accession data
report. Initial STEAM information and updates will be
issued in District, Zone, and Station Level Market Share
ZCMA REPORT. Commander, Navy Recruiting
Command (CNRC) Code 22 annually distributes the
ZCMA report to the Area and district level. Figure 5-2
is a sample ZCMA report. This report gives the
following information by station and ZIP Code:
. Primary target market population (males 17 to
21 years old) total and black and Hispanic segments.
l Secondary target market population (males 22 to
29 years old).
l Current student Armed Services Vocational
Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) results for males only,
including the total number of males testing in the upper
mental group and percentage, total testing in categories
3L and 4, total tested, and the same information broken
out separately for black and Hispanic testers. These
numbers only reflect institutional ASVAB results and do
not reflect ASVABs given at mobile examining team
(MET) sites or military entrance and processing stations
l NAVET military available, based on information
provided on DD Forms 214N.
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