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and (2) definite legal custody of the dependent has been
awarded to a former spouse, parent, or another adult by
order of a court of competent jurisdiction. Custody
determinations are explained in detail in the Navy
Recruiting Manual - Enlisted, COMNAVCRUITCOM-
INST 1130.8.
Prior Service
Prior service prospects are considered Navy
veterans (NAVETs) if their last tour of active duty or
active duty for training was in the Navy or Naval
Reserve, they have been discharged or released for
more than 24 hours, have completed a minimum of 180
consecutive days active duty or active duty for training,
and are E-4s or above. They are considered other
service veterans (OSVETs) if they meet these
requirements except their last tour of duty was in a
branch of service other than the Navy. Applicants in
paygrades E-1 through E-3 with less than 366 days
time in service may be enlisted as nonprior service.
Considerable restrictions are placed on the enlistment or
reenlistment of prior service personnel. Once you have
determined that your prospect does meet the
requirements for prior service processing, check with
the recruiting zone (RZ) recruiter to see if current prior
restrictions will permit enlistment.
Armed Forces Qualifying Test Scores
The Navy Recruiting Manual - Enlisted, COMNAV-
CRUITCOMINST 1130.8, gives minimum AFQT
scores for enlistment and contains a matrix for
determining success chances for recruits entering the
Navy (SCREEN) scores. These minimum requirements
are normally superseded by current gosling policy.
Drug Abuse
Navy policy does not permit the enlistment of drug-
and alcohol-dependent personnel, current drug and
alcohol abusers, or persons whose preservice abuse of
drugs and/or alcohol indicates the probability of
continued abuse. Some people, however, have clear
potential to become creditable performers despite past
exposure to drug and/or alcohol abuse. A matrix of
waiver policy for alcohol and drug abusers is provided
in the Navy Recruiting Manual - Enlisted,
COMNAVCRUITCOMINST 1130.8. Separate waiver
requirements are listed for basic enlistment and specific
is divided into four
categories alcohol;
marijuana (THC, cannabis);
and depressants;
or psychedelic drugs. Additional
requirements are listed for convictions of alcohol and
drug abuse offenses.
Police Involvement
Charts are provided in the Navy Recruiting Manual
- Enlisted, COMNAVCRUITCOMINST 1130.8, to
classify offenses into four categories minor traffic,
misdemeanors, and felonies. Waiver policy for civil
offenses in each classification is also provided. Only
offenses for which there is a conviction or adverse
adjudication, or which have been processed through a
intervention program require waivers.
Blueprinting civil involvement must be thorough.
Applicants may not think of traffic citations as criminal
involvement. Others may believe juvenile records dont
count. Ask specifically about traffic and juvenile
records as well as any arrests. Also ask if they have any
court action pending, including civil and criminal.
Physical Eligibility
Final determination of an applicants physical
qualifications for enlistment is a responsibility of the
Military Entrance and Processing Station (MEPS) at
which enlistment is performed, Recruiters should
conduct a preliminary screening of applicants to detect
those who are obviously physically unfit for military
service. The Applicant Medical Pre-Screening Form,
DD Form 2246, facilitates physical screening. Height,
weight, and body fat requirements are provided in the
N a v y R e c r u i t i n g M a n u a l - E n l i s t e d ,
COMNAVCRUITCOMINST 1130.8, as well as lists of
conditions that are generally disqualifying or requiring
supportive documents.
Besides BEERs, many enlistment programs have
specific qualification criteria. These are listed in chapter
3 of the Navy Recruiting Manual - Enlisted, COM-
NAVCRUITCOMINST 1130.8, It is the classifiers job
to make sure all applicants are eligible for the program
in which they are enlisted. Once personnel are in the
DEP, recruiters should review program qualification
criteria with the enlistees. Personnel in the DEP must be
counseled to notify their recruiter in case of any change
in physical
or police or drug