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and recruiting zone (RZ) and 6-year obligor/nuclear field (6YO/NF)  recruiters,  collects  a  zone  tracking  report  from each ZS, and submits a combined report to the EPO monthly. The enlisted processing division supervisor (EPDS) maintains tracking reports on the classifiers, military  entrance  and  processing  station  (MEPS)  petty officer (MLPO), and processors, and submits a copy to the EPO monthly. The executive officer (XO) maintains tracking  reports  on  the  lead  tracking  center  supervisor (LTCS) and submits them to the EPO monthly. The EPO  maintains  tracking  reports  on  the  CR  and  EPDS, collects the tracking reports, and makes sure they are combined  on  a  master  tracking  report  and  properly posted in the district.  NOTE: Tracking reports must be on file by each person responsible for maintaining a report.  Copies  of  the  original  reports  should  be forwarded to the EPO. Figure 2-4 illustrates the RQS tracking  system. RQS TRAINING RQS  are  hands-on  training  evolutions.  Most  of  the standards require demonstration of skills and knowledge. Effective  RQS  training  also  should  be  accomplished  by demonstration.  Individuals  should  not  be  qualified  at  the same time as the training is conducted. Depending on the module and the trainee, training may need to be repeated  or  expounded  on  before  individuals  can  show they  have  mastered  the  qualification.  Remember  to maintain  the  integrity  of  the  system  by  requiring  proven proficiency  before  signing  off  a  standard. RECOMMENDATION FOR RQS QUALIFICATION  BOARD Your signature as qualifier on the RQS sheet is your personal certification that the individual is fully prepared for final qualification before the RQS board. Careful consideration  should  be  given  to  the  skill  and  knowledge level    of    the    individual    before    you    sign    the recommendation. Poor performance at an RQS board reflects just as badly on the supervisor as the individual who  was  unprepared. QUALIFICATION  BOARD Final  qualification  in  an  RQS  module  must  be certified  by  an  RQS  board. Board Membership Recruiting    Qualification    Standards–Enlisted (RQS-ENL), COMNAVCRUITCOMINST 1136.2, lists the   convening authority   and   board   membership requirements for each RQS position. Each board must be comprised of RQS-qualified individuals or individuals designated  in  writing  by  the  COMNAVCRUITAREA  or CO, Navy Recruiting District (CO, NAVCRUITDIST). Number Before the Board Only one individual at a time may appear before the board, except for recruiter boards, at which a maximum of  three  recruiters  may  appear.  The  advantages  of individual boards are obvious. Recruiters can be more effectively  judged  on  their  individual  knowledge  levels when  singularly  boarded.  Periods  of  high  turnover within  a  district  may  necessitate  the  multiple  recruiter boards. In these situations, care must be taken to fairly distribute  questions. Conducting the Board There is not a standard procedure for conducting RQS  boards;  however,  some  general  guidelines  do apply. l  Have  a  planned  approach.  The  board  should have a plan of operation. It is up to the board chairman to establish the procedures used to ask questions and test knowledge. l  Use  clear,  concise  questions.  Effective questioning techniques will enable members to better test  the  knowledge  of  the  candidate.  Rambling  questions tend  to  confuse  the  individual  being  evaluated.  Ask questions  that  check  conceptual  understanding  rather than rote memory. Avoid trick questions. l Use the RQS module. Stay with material from the appropriate RQS module. Opinion-type questions should be saved for another time. The RQS board is conducted   to   certify   that   the   individual   has   the knowledge  and  skills  listed  in  the  RQS  module. l  Demonstration.  Candidates  should  demonstrate skills  such  as  sales  interview,  PDCing  (developing personal contacts), asking for referrals, and speaking with educators. Role playing will often give a clearer picture  of  the  candidates’  skill  level  than  question  and answer  evaluation. Preparing for RQS Boards You should fully prepare your people for their RQS boards. You may want to hold a practice board in the 2-8

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