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involves knowing how to use sales skills. Analysis
requires recognizing and evaluating successes as well as
Selling is not a step-by-step, mechanical procedure.
Why then do we require all recruiters to perform a
step-by-step sales presentation in ENRO? By learning
the steps of a sale, recruiters have a means of control.
They can understand where they should go, whether
they should skip a step or go back a step. We do not
actually use a script in Navy recruiting. Instead we
define the steps of the sale and provide recruiters with
verbal bridges to transit from one step to another.
Surely, you have heard recruiters complain that the
script just doesnt work. Perhaps they have used the
bridges as a script without understanding the purposes
of each step and when to use them. Another possibility
is that they have not committed the bridges to memory
well enough to deliver them naturally. Sales training is
extremely important. It can be such an all-encompassing
subject that you should take time to determine where
your training needs to be concentrated. Now lets look
at blueprinting and the five steps of the sale.
Blueprinting, simply stated, is fact-finding, before
and during your interview. The purpose of blueprinting
is to reduce or eliminate call reluctance. Call reluctance
is a fear based on concern for self instead of the
prospect. The more you know beforehand about a
prospect, the more confidence and enthusiasm you can
have in making a contact, whether on the phone or in
person. Blueprinting starts with the few questions you
asked when setting the appointment. It gets more
in-depth during the first step of the sale and continues
during the entire interview process. There are five
categories of blueprinting questions: qualifications,
authority to buy, wants, needs, and DBMs.
After some basic rapport has been established,
recruiters should complete the qualification questions.
Caution recruiters not to jump right in with an
interrogation of the prospect before they have achieved
rapport, The prospect card itself should be left alone
during the initial phase of setting rapport. Some
prospects will be distracted and overly concerned if
they get the idea paper work of some kind is being
initiated. The Privacy Act statement should be used at
this time. The prospect card is used to document the
social security number, date of birth, citizenship,
education, dependents, and any prior service or previous
ASVAB testing. Most of this information can be
obtained during normal conversation. Then, the recruiter
should remind the prospect of the Privacy Act, make
sure rapport has been maintained, and continue with the
qualification questions on the back of the prospect card
concerning physical, police, and drug usage. Questions
concerning an applicants qualifications should be asked
in a natural tone of voice and not lead the applicant
toward any desired response. Thorough blueprinting of
qualification information is necessary to avoid wasting
both the recruiters and the prospects time.
Authority to Buy
Authority to buy refers to the prospects ability to
make the decision to enlist without needing to consult
with another person. Seventeen-year-old applicants
obviously do not have the authority to buy because they
will need parental consent. Your question then may
need to be phrased, What do your folks think about
your coming down to see a recruiter today? Age,
however, is not the only criteria for authority to buy.
Many prospects, 18 years of age and older, rely on
advice from others before making decisions. Generally,
authority to buy can be determined by asking the
question, Is there anyone you need to consult with
before making a major decision? Not having the
authority to buy does not mean halting the interview
process. It simply lets you know that the sale will
probably not be over at the end of your presentation.
You may have to make additional presentations or rely
on the prospects to sell their authority.
This blueprinting question is designed to find out
what the prospect is looking for in life. It may be
tangible, such as a college degree or a fancy sports car.
It may be a career field, such as a job in electronics or
mechanics. Questions such as What do you plan for
after graduation? What do you want out of life? Now
that youve been out of school for a while, what do you
want to do? may help to elicit the prospects want.
Some prospects may not know what they want. Young
people face an extremely difficult milestone when they
are expected to make decisions about the rest of their
life. They are not all up to the task. You should help
these prospects by suggesting several general wants as
choices. Be very careful not to narrow down their
choices too much so they make a choice simply because