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LACK OF CARE. –  The other characteristic that can cripple  your  recruiters  is  a  lack  of  care.  Recruiters  who do not take care of themselves and their belongings can turn off prospective buyers. Be alert to recruiters who fail  to  maintain  their  health  or  have  a  tendency  to complain  about  it  often.  Constantly  sneezing  or coughing  during  phone  calls  can  ruin  phone  power. Unsightly appearance, such as dirty hair or nails and disheveled uniforms, can also be a crippler. Take note of recruiters’ surroundings. Is their desk clean and free from clutter? Are the government vehicles they drive maintained  and  cleaned  regularly?  A  little  care  can  go a  long  way  in  establishing  a  professional  image. THE SCIENCE OF SELLING The science of selling can never be an exact one. There are, however, certain attributes that we know can lead to success. What characterizes a truly professional recruiter  as opposed to   the   nonprofessional? Professional recruiters think of their prospects  first, last and always. They build their circle of success from their product knowledge, selling skills, and selling attitude. Above all, they have a positive mental attitude. Let’s take a closer look at the circle of success and positive mental attitude. The Circle of Success The  circle  of  success,  shown  in  figure  6-6, represents 100 percent of a recruiter’s success potential. As  you  can  see  in  the  figure,  product  knowledge accounts for only 15 percent of that potential. The other 85  percent  is  made  up  of  selling  skills  and  selling attitude.  Many  recruiting  leaders  will  tell  you  that selling attitude should actually represent over half of the circle  of  success.  Product  knowledge,  selling  skills,  and selling  attitude  are  the  attributes  of  a  professional recruiter. PRODUCT KNOWLEDGE. – Recruiters should be savvy   on   Navy   programs   and   opportunities.   New recruiters,  especially  those  with  a  relatively  short  time in service should compile a fact sheet or notebook to remind them of some of the basics of Navy benefits. Figure 6-7 provides an example of a desktop reminder sheet recruiters can use. It is not intended to be used as an  applicant  handout. SELLING  SKILLS.–  Knowing how to sell is not enough by itself. Recruiters also should understand the why and when for each step of the sale. Later in this chapter  we  delve  into  the  specifics  of  the  interview Figure 6-6.—The circle of success. process. SELLING ATTITUDE.–  A  selling  attitude  includes the recruiters’ attitudes about themselves, others, and the job  itself.  A  selling  attitude  is  the  most  important ingredient   in   the   circle   of   success.   You   probably remember prospects that joined the Navy though you barely   discussed   Navy   opportunities.   They   joined because of your attitude. Not only will the right selling attitude contribute to your recruiting success, it will also contribute  to  your  personal  quality  of  life.  By  the  right selling attitude, we’re referring to a  positive  mental attitude (PMA). Positive Mental Attitude We’ve  all  heard  about  having  a  PMA,  so,  what exactly  does  that  mean?  PMA  is  the  belief  in  your ability   to   do   the   job   well.   PMA   is   the   result   of enthusiasm  and  confidence. ENTHUSIASM.– Enthusiasm is a must for sales. Enthusiasm  comes  from    knowing  your  product  and believing  that  your  product  will  truly  benefit  your prospect. This knowledge and belief makes recruiters want to go out and show every prospect how the Navy can benefit them. CONFIDENCE.–  Confidence   comes   from   a combination  of  technique  and  analysis.  Technique 6-21

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