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In larger offices there may be an extra key used by
duty personnel. This key is controlled at all times by a
daily log fixing the responsibility and accountability of
the person holding the duty key. Each duplicates key and
copies of combinations are placed in a Duplicate Key
Envelope, PS From 3977 (fig. 2-1), SF 700 (fig. 2-2), or
a similar type of envelope, sealed and endorsed by the
custodian of the key, and placed in the CO's or an
a p p o i n t e d
o f f i c i a l ' s
s a f e .
When the safe is received initially
Whenever a possible compromise of the
combination has occurred
W h e n p e r s o n n e l h a v i n g k n o w l e d g e of
combinations are transferred out of the activity
or relieved of their duties
At least annually
Q3. Before placing keys in a security container, the
W h e n c o m b i n a t i o n n u m b e r s a r e s e l e c t e d,
extra keys are placed in what types of envelopes?
multiples of five or simple ascending or descending
arithmetical series should be avoided.
You should change safe combinations when the
Q4. At least how often should safe combinations be
following conditions are present:
Figure 2-1.Duplicate Key Envelope, PS Form 3977, showing completed front and back.