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The purpose of the Navys Security Program is to
ensure official information of the Department of the
Navy relating to national security is protected to the
extent and for a period of time as may be necessary.
The Department of the Navy Information and
Personnel Security Program Regulation establishes
the basis for the identification of information to be
protected; prescribes a progressive system for
classification, downgrading, and declassification;
prescribes safeguarding policies and procedures to be
followed; and sets up a monitoring system to ensure
the effectiveness of the program.
The Security Program basically deals with the
safeguarding of information that cannot be known or
made available to foreign governments or foreign
nationals because of the threat that such information
might be used to the detriment of the United States.
The security of the United States in general, and of
naval operations in particular, depends in part upon the
success attained in the safeguarding of classified
Information may be compromised through
careless talk, through actual subversion by enemy
agents, by careless handling of classified material, and
in various other ways.
To clearly understand certain terms used in
connection with security, a list of terms and definitions
is presented in the following paragraphs.
ACCESS The ability and opportunity to obtain
knowledge or possession of classified information. An
individual does not have access to classified
information merely by being in a place where such
information is kept, provided the security measures
that are in effect prevent this individual from gaining
k n o w l e d g e o r p o s s e s s i o n o f s u c h c l a s s i f i ed
CLASSIFICATION The determination that
official information requires, in the interest of national
security, a specific degree of protection against
unauthorized disclosure, coupled with a designation
signifying that such a determination has been made.
information that has been determined to require, in the
interest of national security, protection against
unauthorized disclosure.
document, product, or substance on or in which
classified information is recorded or embodied.
CLEARANCE An administrative determina-
tion by competent authority that an individual is
eligible for access to classified information of a
specific classification category.
COMPROMISE The known or suspected
exposure of classified information or material to an
unauthorized person.
C U S T O D I A N A n i n d i v i d u a l w h o h as
possession of, or is otherwise charged with, the
responsibility for safeguarding and accounting for
classified information.
D O C U M E N T Any recorded information
regardless of its physical form or characteristics,
including, without limitation, written or printed
material; data processing cards and tapes; maps;
charts; paintings; drawings; engravings; sketches;
working notes and papers; reproductions of such
things by any means or process; and sound, voice, or
electronic recordings in any form.
DOWNGRADE To determine that classified
information requires, in the interest of national
security, a lower degree of protection against
unauthorized disclosure than currently provided,
coupled with a changing of the classification
designation to reflect such lower degree.
HANDLING Preparation,
p r o c e s s i n g,
transmission, and custody of classified information.
MARKING The physical act of indicating on
classified material the assigned classification, changes
in classification, downgrading and/or declassification
instructions, and any limitations on use of the material.
NEED TO KNOW The need for access to or
possession of classified information to carry out
official military or other governmental duties.
Responsibility for determining whether a persons
duties require that the person possess or have access
to classified information and whether the person is
authorized to receive it rests upon the possessor of the
classified information and not upon the prospective
that is owned by, produced for or by, or is subject to
the control of, the United States Government.
SECURITY A protected condition of classified
information that prevents unauthorized persons from