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Merchandise Return Service permit holders are
charged postage and fees on First-Class, priority,
Standard Mail (A), or Standard Mail (B) received from
personnel they have authorized use of their MRS
permit. Payment for MRS will be made by check or
through an MRS ADTA.
Reply mail service authorizes individuals and
organizations to send First-Class Mail back to the
permit holder. The postage and fees are paid by the
permit holder.
Business Reply Mail
Business Reply Mail (BRM) requires specific
information be preprinted on the return envelope or
post card, along with barcoding.
To apply for a BRM permit, submit PS Form 3615
to the post office where the BRMs are returned along
with the annual BRM permit and renewal fee.
BRM enables activities to receive First-Class Mail
back from addressees on a distribution list by paying
postage only on the mail that is returned to them.
Payment for BRM is made in cash through a
regular postage-due account or a BRM ADTA. A
BRM ADTA reduces the BRM fee collected .
However, it requires payment of an annual accounting
Business Reply and Prepaid Reply Mail are
methods used to provide prepaid postage to activities
o r i n d i v i d u a l s w h e n t h e r e t u r n o f r e q u e s t e d
information is required from a non-government
agency or private individual not required by law to
reply. The use of Business Reply and Prepaid Reply
Mail have the following restrictions or requirements:
Government agencies are expected to pay the
postage when responding to another government
Individuals or organizations that are required by
law to respond will pay the return postage
Business Reply Mail (BRM) cannot be used by
commands with an FPO mailing address.
Evaluate each use of Business Reply Mail or-
Prepaid Reply Mail to estimate the total cost.
BRM is charged at the First-Class postage rate
plus a handling fee per piece returned to the
Charge Prepaid Reply Mail at the First-Class
postage rate. The total cost is determined by the
number of pieces sent.
Procedures for initiating BRM printing are as
Determine if you have a legal use for BRM.
Estimate the percentage of return expected. If the
estimated return percentage exceeds 50 percent,
you should not use BRM.
Forward request to the official mail manager
(OMM) for approval and barcoding of a sample
envelope or post card.
Present your sample, along with the provided
barcoding information, to the command or
company who will do the printing.
A permit will be filed at the USPS branch office
servicing the activity holding the permit for
using BRM.
Before distributing BRM, commands should
perform the following steps:
C o o r d i n a t e w i t h t h e i r U S P S a c c o u nt
representative to ensure BRM is formatted
Evaluate BRM requirements to determine if it
would be more cost effective to use premetered
postage or postage stamps.
Q u a l i f y B R M f o r B u s i n e s s R e p l y M a il
A c c o u n t i n g S y s t e m ( B R M A S ) w h e n e v er
possible to take advantage of the lower
Formal application for Navy activities to use the
BRM permit is made at each civil post office where
mailings are to be deposited, or make the formal
a p p l i c a t i o n t o t h e D i r e c t o r , O f f i c e o f M a il
Classification, Rates and Classifications, Washington,
DC 20260. The application can be made by letter or
memorandum. A separate application is required for
each class of permit imprint mailing that will be made.
As a minimum, the application will identify the post
office where the mailings are to be deposited and
include information as to the type of class and/or
service desired and the name and telephone number of
the person responsible for mailings under the permit.
Arrange all pieces with the address side facing the
same direction. Permit mailings sent at one of the
presort discount rates will be sorted by ZIP Code and
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