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Notice to Mariners
The chart and publication correction system is based on the periodical,
Notice to Mariners, published weekly by the DMAHTC and the Local
Notice to Mariners also published by the U.S Coast Guard weekly to
inform mariners of corrections to nautical charts and publications. This
periodical announces new nautical charts and publications, new editions,
cancellations, and changes to nautical charts and publications. It also
summarizes events of the week as they affect shipping, advises mariners
of special warnings or items of general maritime interest, and includes
selected accounts of unusual phenomena observed at sea. Distribution of
the Notice to Mariners is made weekly to all U.S. Navy and Coast Guard
ships and to most ships of the merchant marine.
The classified Chart and Publication Correction System is based on the
Classified Notice to Mariners, published on an as-needed basis by the
DMAHTC to inform mariners of corrections to classified nautical charts
and publications.
The Notice to Mariners provides information specifically intended for
updating the latest editions of nautical charts and publications issued by
the Defense Mapping Agency, the National Ocean Service, and the U.S.
Coast Guard. When the Notice to Mariners is received, it should be
examined for information of immediate value. The list of new charts and
new editions of charts and publications should also be checked to assure
that the latest editions are on board.
In section I of the Notice to Mariners, chart corrections are listed by
chart number, beginning with the lowest and progressing in sequence
through each chart affected. The chart corrections are followed by
publication corrections, which are also listed in numerical sequence.
Since each correction pertains to a single chart or publication, the action
specified applies to that particular chart or publication only. If the same
correction also applies to other charts and publications, it is listed
separately for each one.
Figure 1-18 illustrates the Notice to Mariners format for presenting
corrective information affecting charts. A correction preceded by a star
indicates that it is based on original U.S. source information. If no
marking precedes the correction, the information was derived from some
other source. The letter T preceding the correction indicates the
information is temporary in nature, and the letter P indicates it is
preliminary. Courses and bearings are given in degrees clockwise from
000° true.