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Publication Correction and Ordering
As charts and other publications accumulate a sufficient number of
changes and corrections, they are reprinted as a revision with the same
edition number or as a new edition. Certain publications, such as Light
Lists and Coast Pilots, are reprinted on an annual schedule. Other
publications may have numbered "changes" issued, usually in the form of
reprinted pages for direct insertion into the volume after the superseded
pages are removed.
Publication correction procedures are the same as those listed in chapter 1
for charts using the Notices to Mariners each week. The exception is that
you will either make direct pen and ink changes to the text in publications
or you may cut and paste information into the affected publication.
Caution: Do NOT use tape to make changes to publications, when
cutting and pasting information, use a glue stick to paste information.
Most publications are available from DMAHTC. Refer to chapter 10 of
the DMA Catalog of Maps, Charts, and Related Products to obtain the
correct DMA stock number. Follow the same procedures as you would to
order a chart as listed in chapter 1.