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Using The Nautical Almanac
The Nautical Almanac is laid out in what are called daily pages. Each
daily page contains astronomical data for 3 days. The left-hand pages
contain values for GHA and Dec. (declination) for Aries, Venus, Mars,
Jupiter, Saturn, and the 57 navigational stars. The right-hand pages
contain values for GHA, Dec., sunrise, sunset, moonrise, moonset, the
time of meridian passage for the Sun, and equation of time.
The inside cover contains altitude correction tables for the Sun, stars, and
planets, and values for the dip of the horizon correction. After the daily
pages are instructions for sight reduction, arc to time conversion table, and
interpolation tables, and on the inside back cover are altitude correction
tables for the Moon.
Figure 6-3 contains excerpts from The Nautical Almanac. As we work
through practical examples in celestial navigation, you will learn how to
use the information in The Nautical Almanac.