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Bridge Watch Personnel, Continued
Junior Officer
On many ships, the JOOD and conning officer watch stations are
of the Deck /
manned by one person. In this capacity the JOOD maintains a constant
Conning Officer
watch on all radar contacts along with CIC personnel. He or she
receives reports on contacts from lookouts and gives orders to the
helmsman and lee helmsman. The JOOD also encodes, decodes,
transmits, and receives tactical signals and acts as an assistant to the
The BMOW is in charge of the underway watch section. The status of
Mate of the
the BMOW in this respect is the same whether the ship is in condition
Watch (BMOW)
of readiness I, II, or III, or the regular sea watch or in-port watch has
been set.
The normal peacetime underway watch for which the BMOW is
responsible consists of the helmsman, lee helmsman, messenger,
lookouts, lifebuoy watch, and lifeboat crew of the watch. Besides being
an enlisted assistant and executive arm of the OOD, the BMOW is the
watch PO. It is the responsibility of the BMOW to make sure that all
deck watch stations are manned and that all personnel in the previous
watch are relieved. The BMOW makes a report to the OOD when the
deck watch has been relieved.
The ships organization and regulations manual shows the sea watch
stations that must be manned and the divisions required to man them.
From this, the BMOW knows which division section leader must be
contacted if any person fails to report at his or her watch station.
Helmsman: The helmsman is responsible for keeping the ship on
course as directed by the conning officer.
Lee Helmsman: The lee helmsman is responsible for operating the
engine order telegraph (EOT) and relaying information between the
bridge and main control.
Lookouts: There are normally three lookouts assigned to each watch
section. One stationed on the port bridgewing, one on the starboard
bridgewing, and one aft on the fantail. Each lookout is responsible for
reporting any contacts or objects in the water to the OOD immediately.
The aft lookout also watches the wake for personnel who may have
fallen overboard.