| |
Coastal tracks, 12-6
constructing, 12-6
planning, 12-6
Cold fronts, 10-17
Commanding officers Night Order Book, 11-26
Compass comparison, 2-18
Compass error calculations, 2-15
Compasses, 2-6
cautions, 2-6
standard, 2-6
steering, 2-6
Convert arc to time, 5-10
nautical almanac, 5-10
Convert time, 5-11
GMT to ZT, 5-12
ZT to GMT, 5-11
Danger bearings, 12-10
Daybeacons, 4-19
Degaussing System, 2-13
degaussing coils, 2-14
Deviation, 2-11
Dew point, 10-29
Dip, 9-21
Directional lights, 4-18
Distances between ports, 3-8
DR plot, 8-3
example, 8-10
labeling, 8-11
six rules, 8-3
terms, 8-4
Drag circle, 12-15
Drift angle, 11-8
Earths magnetic field, 2-3
Electric psychrometer, 10-29
Equation of time, 5-4
External communications, 11-20
Fathometer, 8-41
Final diameter, 11-7
Fixes, 8-20
Fleet guides, 3-4
Fog, 10-10
Frontal systems, 10-15
Frontal weather, 10-13
Great-circle tracks, 12-2
constructing, 12-2
planning, 12-2
Gyro error by terrestial range, 2-32
Gyro error by trial and error, 2-33