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The Navigation
Piloting must be done on a chart. You must construct a plot based upon
accurate navigational observations of charted features. These
observations of charted features include:
bearings to visible objects
distances to objects
depth sounding
To effectively navigate in confined waters, a team of personnel must
assist the navigator. The navigation team composition is as follows:
All navigation functions.
Assistant navigator
Supervises navigation team, assists the navigator.
Plots bearing on the chart, DRs, calculates set
and drift.
Bearing takers
Takes bearings on objects as directed by the
bearing recorder.
Bearing recorder
Relays bearing to the plotter, records bearings,
provides all stations with marks.
Reports depth of the water on each mark.
CIC phone talker
Provides the bridge with navigation data from
CIC as requested.
The Navigation
In all cases, a ship needs a plan of action prior to getting under way or
entering port. This plan, called the Navigation Brief, is a detailed
description of all aspects of the ships actions while in piloting waters.
Information concerning the ships track, navigation aids to be used, tide
and current data, emergency anchorages, and other data are all contained
in the Navigation Brief.
The actual construction of the Navigation Brief will be covered in detail
in chapter 12.