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CHAPTER  3 MANAGEMENT Until  now,  you  have  probably  been  a  specialist in the ship’s store or in one of the service activities. But  as  you  advance,  your  duties  will  take  you into  the  broader  fields  of  management.  By  the time  you  make  chief,  you  should  be  qualified  to manage  an  entire  resale  activity.  You  may  find yourself  serving  afloat  on  a  large  ship  with  two or  more  retail  stores  and  a  complete  range  of service  activities  to  manage,  or  you  may  be assigned to a small ship with only one retail store and  one  or  two  service  activities.  You  may  also be assigned to shore duty in a Navy exchange or in  a  commissary  store. If you are serving aboard ship, you will most likely supervise all the ship’s store operations. This chapter  is  primarily  applicable  to  the  afloat  situa- tion.  However,  many  of  the  principles  discussed in this chapter will be valuable to you even if you are assigned to shore duty where you may manage only  one  or  two  phases  of  an  operation.  For  ex- ample, you may be assigned to manage the sales floor  or  supervise  certain  office  operations  of  a Navy exchange. You may also be placed in charge of  a  warehouse  or  one  of  the  service  activities. Shore duty billets are similar in many respects to those performed afloat, but you will find certain differences.   You   will   read   about   some   of   the management responsibility differences in chapter 8  of  this  manual. The   role   of   a   retail   store   and/or   service activity manager involves many important duties and   responsibilities   for   the   senior   Ship’s Serviceman.  You  will  be  expected  to  assist  the ship’s store (sales) officer in making certain your retail  store  or  service  activity  provides  the  best possible   level   of   customer   service   with   the resources  available  to  you.  To  provide  the  best possible service in any organization, you must be an  effective  manager. Effective  management  involves  organization planning. You should have a clear understanding of the functions that must be performed, and you must  analyze  these  functions  to  see  what  tasks they require. Then, you must assign the tasks to the  personnel  you  have  available  to  perform  them. You must also be able to plan a physical layout that will meet the needs of your activity and that will allow your personnel to carry on their work efficiently.  You  should  be  able  to  establish  orderly methods   for   your   personnel   to   perform   their tasks.  Also,  you  should  try  to  arrange  the  tasks in a logical sequence so that there is an efficient flow  of  work.  In  your  ship’s  store  and  service activities, you should be able to analyze various work  situation  factors  and  to  prepare  an  effec- tive work schedule. In addition, you must under- stand  certain  principles  of  personnel  management. These principles will help you to obtain the max- imum  use  of  manpower  in  the  assignment  of  work to  your  personnel.  They  will  also  provide  you  with guidelines   for   delegating   authority   effectively, determining training program requirements, and supervising  the  work  of  your  subordinates. As  a  senior  Ship’s  Serviceman,  you  may  be expected   to   coordinate   various   administrative functions. Administrative responsibilities involve the initiating of correspondence and supervising the   maintenance   of   files,   records,   and   official publications  and  directives.  You  may  even  be called upon to assist in the preparation of various procedural  instructions  for  the  Supply   Depart- ment Organization Manual.  Finally, you must be able to observe and analyze the retail and service operations in detail so that you can spot problem areas  that  need  your  attention.  Good  management will  help  you  to  make  certain  your  ship’s  store and  service  activities  are  providing  the  best possible  service  to  your  ship. SHIP’S  SERVICE  ORGANIZATION The   basic   organization   and   functions   of   a ship’s service (sales) division are generally fairly standard. However, creating an effective organi- zation does not stop here. You may have to take steps  to  adjust  an  existing  organizational  struc- ture  so  that  it  will  better  serve  the  operational 3-1

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